|20| drama, something we all have ✔

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Edited | ✔

chapter twenty

d r a m a,  s o m e t h i n g  w e
a l l  h a v e


"Why, hello Ava. Do you not remember me?" the man mocks with a lopsided grin. He takes a taunting step forwards, me moving back with West still tangled with me.

Anguish is still very prominent on his face as I observe West and as his father takes another step forwards, West pushes me away.

"What are you doing?" I snap. "You can't fend for yourself in the state you're in. You need my help─"

"I don't need anyone's help, Ava. I'm a gang leader and I know how to fight for myself. I don't need some inexperienced girl to battle my issues for me," he snaps harshly causing my eyes to widen.

Is he serious? I just saved his life and I can honestly say I don't usually care enough about anyone to do that.

Sending him a fake smile, I chuckle with the slightest bit of humor. "Oh sure," I chirp, raising my hands up in mock surrender before taking a step backwards. West's father just awaits for the scene to be over. "Fend for yourself in your condition─go ahead. I'll sit here and watch. Just know that when you are down and out, I will step in to help and there is nothing you're going to be able to do about it."

He ignores me and focuses back on his problem in front of him. I, on the other hand, decide to sit on the cold, cement flooring and watch the scene unfold before me.

"It's nice to finally meet you," the man greets. "My name is Chance─"

"Ah," West muses, cutting him off in the process. "As in I didn't get the Chance to meet you because you decided to become a deadbeat father that didn't care about anyone but himself?"

Chance chuckles and shakes his head, shoving his hands into the pockets of his nice, grey dress pants. "I see you're a little upset. You're going to have to put those feelings aside, of course, as it seems as though I may need your help."

West shakes his head. "I refuse to help you in anything you may want me to─"

Chance begins to make a clicking sound with his tongue against the roof of his mouth; it almost sounds as if he is shaming West. "I had a feeling you were going to say that." He pauses and I frown as he turns towards me.

Observing the two of them, I notice West looking behind me in worry. Turning my head slightly, I see a man positioned about five feet away from me with a black magnum in his hand. He is gripping it with a sinister grin on his face, his black stubble covering his jaw making him much more intimidating.

Looking back towards West, Chance chuckles. "Well, it seems as though you don't have a choice afterall. Unless, I mean, you don't care about Ava."

West stares at me, clenching his jaw.

Is he really contemplating this?

"Oh, just kill me already!" I yell, standing up. Looking towards the guy behind me, I raise my eyebrows and send him an expectant look. He looks back at me slightly uncomfortable, his hand holding the gun faltering a bit.

Turning back towards Chance, I chuckle. "Here's the thing," I smile, taking a step towards him, "If you wanted me dead, you could have easily done so at the bar that night. You obviously need me for some reason." The man's face becomes rigid. "Oh yeah, I kinda put two and two together. That doesn't ruin your master plan, does it? Because that would suck."

"You don't know what you're talking about," Chance scoffs, turning away from me.

West narrows his eyes as my smile widens. "Oh, I am right," I muse, placing my hands on my hips, feeling accomplished. "See, I had the slightest tinge of doubt that you really didn't need me at all and that'd you'd kill me anyway─"

"Can the talking please stop?" West suddenly snaps, averting all of our attention over to him. "Can we please resume this idiotic discussion later? Because whatever one of your men drugged me with hasn't left my system yet and I have a pounding headache."

"GHB," Chance murmurs.

"What?" West snaps.

"That's what one of my men used on you to get you─"

"I don't care," West cuts in, rolling his eyes. "Are we allowed to leave now?"

"You may leave but as leverage, I will need to keep Ava with me. I need to know you will come back. If I was to let Ava go with you, you would have no reason to nor would you want to," Chance reasons.

"Fine by me," West grunts out causing me to gape. "I'll be back by tomorrow to discuss whatever you may want to discuss. But afterwards, I will leave and you will accept and respect my decision."

Without sparing a glance at me, he turns around and hastily walks away and out of sight.

"Drama, sweetheart," Chance begins in a low chuckle. "It's something we all have." After stating the obvious, he grips my arm gently and leads me into a place unknown.

Don't be a silent reader!

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Don't be a silent reader!


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