|10| exterior vs interior ✔

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Edited | ✔

chapter ten

e x t e r i o r  v s  i n t e r i o r


Austin grunts out in pain but nevertheless, reaches out to grip the gun. "I don't think now is the appropriate time to teach me how to play a stupid game."

"Oh, I think you'll like this game," I say with a small smile. "Plus, you learn fairly quickly. This game should come pretty easy to you."

West lets out a deranged sigh causing me to roll my eyes.

A feeling I despise begins to revel in my stomach causing me to feel sick. It is pain. The same kind of pain I felt when I lost my parents and Dana. The kind of pain that I'm so sick and tired of feeling. The kind of pain that makes me who I am.

Austin grips the gun harshly into his hand but he never lifts it towards me, catching me by surprise. Why isn't he fighting back?

"Just let him go, Ava. You're acting out through rage. You need to think things through. What he did couldn't possibly be bad enough─" West begins but I cut him off with a shot to the leg. He's beginning to get annoying. Why is he here again?

Maybe I am acting out of rage. All I know is that Austin deserves all of this as well as his family. He stripped everything away from me. He took away his own sister's life.

West let's out a huge groan, me seething with anger. "You don't know what you're talking about, West. This boy murdered my best friend. Not only did he do that, but while I was mourning her, he left me with an even bigger broken heart seeing as we were together and he left without even a simple goodbye. He deserves every ounce of pain that is inflicted upon him. Even then, it still won't amount to the amount of pain that was inflicted upon me."

"You're a coward, Ava. You always have been. When Dana died, you acted out in the worst way possible. You can't blame me for leaving without a goodbye. You ignored me for weeks on end─rejected my comfort even. You may have lost your best friend, but I lost my sister," Austin attempts to fight back.

Is he being ignorant and idiotic on purpose, or is he taunting and mocking me?

"You didn't lose anything!" I bellow. "You knew your sister was going to be murdered. You and your family were in on it! And what did you expect me to do? Welcome you with open arms─a boy that reminds me of what I lost? Just because I didn't seek your comfort right away doesn't mean I didn't love you. You were all I had left. My parents are dead, Austin. But you wouldn't know because you didn't stick around long enough to find out. I had to learn to mend my own broken heart."

He sucks in a large breath before closing his eyes. After reopening them, they harden and he sends me a wicked smirk while my face remains blank.

"Sucks for you," he states harshly before a gun shot echoes throughout the empty café. Why the police weren't here yet, I don't know. I guess the pedestrians all thought that someone would call the police, it not being them of course.

Wincing, I fall to the ground and look over at Austin who is shedding tears while letting out groans of pain. Someone has shot him. I slowly turn around and see West standing with a glare directed at Austin.

"We have to leave now unless you want to go to prison for the rest of your life," West suddenly says before putting his gun away safely and walking over to me.

He extends his hand, but I refuse to take it. "I'm capable of leaving on my own when I want to leave," I say, turning back towards Austin. Maya is already tending to his wound.

Suddenly, a cloth is placed over my mouth and I immediately hold my breath, struggling.

"Just breathe, sweetheart," I hear West's deep and velvety voice chime before I become lightheaded and give in, breathing in the toxic fumes.

The last thing I'm able to picture is the red café lights and the blurry face of West's right beneath them.

This was just a filler! (:

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This was just a filler! (:

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