|17| orders from the boss ✔

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Edited | ✔

chapter seventeen

o r d e r s f r o m t h e b o s s


"Ava," West whines for the upteenth time, wriggling in the passenger seat of the car. "Can we pause the road trip for just 30 seconds? I really have to pee."

Rolling my eyes, they land on a Chevron, me pulling over sharply causing West's face to come into contact with the window beside him. He groans irritably whereas I smile triumphantly.

Mumbling some incoherent words under his breath, he opens the car door hastily and trudges to the male bathroom on the right side of the small gas station.

I honestly don't know why I even let him come. Maybe it was an in the moment thing? He was being so sweet to me, I couldn't help it. Or maybe it was the fact I was vulnerable in the moment and I needed a diversion. Whatever the reason, it was an awful one because he complains about everything.

' That stop sign is too red, it hurts my eyes, '

' This red light is taking too long. Why is it even placed in a strange place like this? '

' Ya' know, this is actually taking quite awhile, '

I'd be lying if I said I'm not contemplating whether or not to leave him at the gas station we are now at.

Huffing in annoyance, I look at the time on the digital clock and roll my eyes. It has been exactly 5 minutes of sitting here waiting. I mean, sure, that's not exactly a long time but he said 30 seconds and I take things quite literal.

After another minute has passed, I decide to remove the keys from the ignition of the car and walk inside of the service station. We weren't in the best side of town and I had been avoiding letting him pee for 10 minutes, but when he asked the final time, I knew I had to let him go. When you have to go, you have to go.

Opening the entrance door, the bell above me jingles, alerting any employee that may be on duty.

Walking through the isle that contains the toilet paper and office supplies, I halt in my tracks. Isn't that a weird combination? Why place toilet necessities with office supplies?

Why do I even care?

Shaking my head, I continue on down the isle, looking for something that may or may not catch my eye.

And something certainly does.

A man stands in the corner of the service station, a newspaper placed in his hands and in front of his face. All I can see of his face is when he occasionally peeps at me through the news paper before his head quickly goes back into its normal position. It is quite strange and it makds me feel uneasy. It would make anyone feel uneasy, I'm sure.

My last straw is when I see him
not-so-subtly take his phone out and take a picture of me, the flash going off causing him to scold himself and flash me a nervous grin.

Walking up to him, I place my hands on my hips. "May I ask who that picture is for? Because unless you somehow got my number and you're sending it to me, it needs to be deleted," I state harshly.

He chuckles nervously and scratches the nape of his neck. "Actually, I can't and you're not able to make me delete it. Trust me, I don't like taking pictures of random women─"

"Then why did you?" I cut him off, not guilty about the fact that I did either.

"I can't tell you."

"Then I guess I'll have to make you." I flash him a fake smile but before I'm able to get any closer to him, I feel something tear through the flesh on my back─me falling to my knees, gasping for air. I glare up at the man who is now smirking at me. "Sorry sweetheart. It's an order from the boss."

Falling onto my stomach, my vision begins to fade as well as my breathing.

This was just a filler! I've been extremely busy and I'm so sorry I'm not able to update an entire chapter! I'll update asap!

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This was just a filler! I've been extremely busy and I'm so sorry I'm not able to update an entire chapter! I'll update asap!

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