|18| seventy year old smoker ✔

262 47 7

Edited | ✔

chapter eighteen

s e v e n t y  y e a r  o l d  s m o k e r


Waking up to the sound of tires scraping against pavement and flashing lights through my closed eyelids, I frown before hesitantly opening them. They burn intensely at the amount of light exposed to the outside.

After remembering the events that had played out, I jump up in what I realize is now a car seat, looking over quickly to see West driving impatiently. His fingers grasp the steering wheel tightly causing his knuckles to turn a pale white. With a deep, thinking frown on his face, he quickly glances over at me and his face immediately softens when his eyes lock with mine.

"Hey, you feeling alright? I bandaged your back up. They got you pretty good back there, huh?" he makes a failed attempt of a joke near the end. I could tell he is extremely nervous and I think I have a pretty good idea as to why.

"West. . ." I trail off, my voice raspy and croaky. "Orders from the boss?"

He glances over at me, confusion written all over his face. "What? Is that what they said?"

"Y-yeah. Do you have any other gang's that have something against you?" I question hesitantly although I think I might know the answer.

"Well of course, but I doubt they'd be low enough to pinpoint you. They wouldn't even think you were anything but some girl to me as I've always avoided every girl who has thrown themselves at me since I left Michigan," he states almost proudly leaving me to my thoughts.

Am I just some girl?

Avoiding the lingering question, I look back out of the window and notice the many people crowding around the area. We were in some local city, which is weird because we were in the middle of no where before I was stabbed in the back. . . literally.

"Where are we exactly?" I question with a prominent frown.

Pulling over quickly, my head lightly hits the window beside me causing me to groan and for him to let out a small chuckle. "Karma," he sings before pointing at the sign that was resting on the building in front of us. "We're at a motel seeming as it's 12 o'clock in the morning and I could easily fall asleep behind the wheel and hurt us both," he informs before jumping out of the car.

Taking my seat belt off hesitantly, I go to open my door when it pops open. West had opened it, him looking at me with a cheeky grin causing me to smile and roll my eyes.

Stepping out, I clear my throat as he shuts the car door behind me. "I'll go get us a room─" we both begin in unison causing the both of us to chuckle. Why we were acting so awkward, I didn't know. But it felt different─being with him alone, drama free. Well, besides the fact we are hunting down my ex best friend to kill her.

"I'll go get it." He winks before strolling around me and down the sidewalk.

Walking to the trunk of the car, I sling it open and take both my suitcase and West's duffle bag out before trudging in the way West went. Taking in the scenery, I notice the motel is placed in front of a small beach giving me somewhat an idea on where we are.

The salty breeze blows about causing my brown locks to flow behind me as I carry the luggage.

"Hey Ava!" I suddenly hear West yell causing my head to snap in his direction. "Over here!" he ends, dangling the keys to the room above his head before placing them in the lock in front of him.

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