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chapter seven

i n f o


Running through the dense forest, the taunting voice seems to follow me. I can't escape it. It is vaguely familiar and it causes tears to leap to my eyes, them threatening to fall. The man's name the voice belongs to is at the tip of my tongue, but it is as if my brain is refusing to remember. . . as if my own brain is disgusted by the name of this man.

"Who are you?" I question the mystery man in front of me. I'm in the woods where my old school had once stood. The familiar scenery causes flashbacks of unwanted memories that I had once sealed and locked away. It was if they were resurfacing one by one.

Tears spring to my eyes when I see the corpse of my best friend on the ground. This wasn't just a nightmare. . . I was reliving a horrible memory.

"Get up!" he snarls, completely disregarding my question.

Gripping the familiar gun in my hand, I frantically try and search for an escape route. I didn't want to hurt anyone. That's not who I am. I'm only fourteen.

Standing up, I take a shaky step backwards causing the gun in the man's hand to shoot up and aim towards me.

"You're coming with us," the man growls before I'm pushed towards him from behind.

Dropping the gun, my heart beats heavily in my chest and I can feel myself begin to panic. The bald man grips me by the hair, basically dragging me through the forest.

This is it. . . this is where I end.

Waking up in a sweat, I look over at the time to read 8:54 AM. Glancing out of the window, it is slightly windy which means it will definitely be chilly.

I had planned on waking up at 7 o'clock this morning but I guess my alarm didn't go off like I had set it to. Maybe the nightmare had prevented me in doing so.

Groggily stepping out of the bed, I get dressed in what I can find. I have a huge day ahead of me today as Phelix and Kayla have already found another member of the gang.

The location that Kristoff had given me of the gang's whereabouts happened to be false. That or I had been careless and it somehow got back to the leader that Kristoff was murdered and he had changed the location.

Walking to my mirror, I frown at the sticky note that is placed upon it.

Your phone was sitting on the ground beside your door. It's on your dresser now. You're welcome. (:

- West L.

Suddenly, I freeze. Reading back over the sticky note, my eyes widen when I read West's name. His last name begins with an L.

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