|04| mind your beeswax ✔

573 175 79

Edited | ✔

chapter four

m i n d y o u r b e e s w a x


My eyes shoot open when I hear a scream resonate from outside of the apartment. Tensing, I roll over and off of the bed while gripping my alarm clock and pulling it down with me. 4:27 AM.

Grabbing my converse and shoving them on over my swollen feet, I let out a breath of despair and rub my eyes as they burn from lack of sleep.

I grip a bat that I had previously laid out beside my bed and walk out of the bedroom, cautiously opening the front door of the apartment. The long, narrow hall that led to many other apartments was eerily quiet causing me to frown.

I swear I heard screaming coming from out here. Glancing down the hall to the parking lot, I let out an agitated sigh before tip-toeing my way to the end, hiding behind the wall and looking around it to see what all of the fuss was about.

"What do you mean he's dead?" I see my neighbor spit at another man. The man was visibly cowering in fear whereas the one I'm acquainted with hooked his hands around the collar of the victim's shirt.

"W-we went to visit him, Shelly and I, and he was found dead in his house. I'm sorry for your loss, Sir but there was nothing we could do. Someone had shot him through the head. . . pretty good aim might I add─"

My neighbor seethes with anger before releasing the victim onto the ground. He raises his foot as if he was going to kick him causing me to frown. I didn't think he was capable of inflicting pain on others. He was always so sweet and playful around me.

"Hey!" I yell, mentally scolding myself afterwards. Why would I do that? I didn't know that guy yet I was defending him. It was none of my business.

He turns toward me and the victim quickly gets up from his position and scurries off to his car. Looking back, my neighbor seethes and yells a couple of curses to the man before he backs out of the parking lot and hurries on down the road.

"What?" he snaps at me causing me to narrow my eyes at him.

"What?" I question incredulously. "You were about to hurt some man from what I've heard, had nothing to do with whatever you guys were going on about. Chill out dude, your temper is going to get you into serious trouble one day."

"It was none of your business," he grunts out, kicking a stray rock resting on the ground of the, once again, abandoned parking lot.

"It became my business when you idiots woke me up." I roll my eyes at him causing him to let out a small chuckle. Narrowing my eyes at him, I frown, "What's so funny, huh?"

"It's just. . ." he trails off before continuing to chuckle once again. He rubs the nape of his neck and shakes his head with a small smile resting on his face revealing his faint dimples.

"What?" I snap.

"You're kinda cute when you're mad, ya know?" he states, catching me off guard. Me cute? No.

Cute and Ava Cooper do not go together. I was definitely not cute.

"Give it a rest," I suddenly snap. Who does he think he is? I don't even know his name. "I don't want to know you so stop trying, stop flirting with me, and stop helping me. I don't want help from anyone. I don't want to know anyone."

Not affected by my semi-harsh words, he smiles and shakes his head. "You don't want to care for anyone," he states, him suddenly before me. He leans down, his plump lips inches away from my own. "I plan on staying around, sweetheart."

Before I'm able to retaliate, he strolls around me and enters his apartment, leaving me dumbfounded.

And I don't even know his name. . .

This was just a filler(:

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This was just a filler(:

But I now have a concussion because I somehow managed to hit my head on the trunk of my brothers car. So yay my life, right?

Don't be a silent reader!


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