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chapter twenty-nine

r e s o l v i n g  i s s u e s


Arriving back to the apartment complex that started it all in Los Angeles, I step out of the car and grab my duffle bag out of the back seat as West grabs his own things.

I smile in remembrance of how strong West came onto me in the beginning and how it all pieced together when he explained everything to me. He knew Kevin and that honestly means everything to me because it's so great that someone else was able to meet that amazing man; that Kevin has impacted West's life as well and not just my own.

West grips onto my hand as we near my apartment. "Are we official?" West questions, catching me off guard.

Do I want to be completely vulnerable to one person? It's a little too late to back out now anyway.

"I think we are." I smile up at him.

A wide smile makes its way onto his already gorgeous face as he leans in and pecks my lips gently and quickly.

"Good. I love you," he informs me once again before tucking a loose strand of my hair behind my ear.

My breath hitches in my throat. "I uh. . . I like you a lot too."

He smiles as if he's completely satisfied with my answer causing a warm feeling to spread within the pit of my stomach.

"I don't mean to ruin this little moment, but I need to get back into my room and settle some business with my men. I went MIA and I'm a gang leader so anything could be going wrong," he says before smiling sheepishly.

My face falls after what he says registers. He notices immediately and concern washes over his features. "What's wrong? Did I say something wrong? Crap, I'm so sorry."

"No, I just um. . . I forgot you were a gang leader and I kinda wanted to go back to normal. I can't do that if you're a gang leader. I'll have to constantly look over my shoulder and I'll be paranoid all of the time. I just. . ." I trail off with an exasperated sigh.

His face falls as well. "Well, I can't give this up. Those men need me. I can't leave them."

I nod, avoiding eye contact with him. "Then I'm afraid this won't be able to work. I'm crazy about you, but I have to put my safety before my feelings."

His hand slowly breaks away from my own before he moves away and into his own apartment across from mine.

I sigh and rub my exhausted eyes. I'll just shower and sleep. I'll talk to him in the morning maybe.

×   ×   ×

I wake up to intense pounding on the apartment door. Groaning, I roll out of bed and pull the large t-shirt down to cover my exposed thighs.

Answering the door, I'm faced with a grinning West. "What?" I grunt out.

He pushes passed me into the apartment and I frown as I follow him into my room. "Pack your things," he says as he pulls a suitcase out from underneath my bed.

"What?" I question, fully awake now. "Why?"

"I'm taking you somewhere," he says.

I frown and shake my head. "What? No. Do you not remember the conversation we had yesterday when everything went to crap?"

He nods his head before he walks over to me and wraps his hands around my waist. "I remember it and that's why I want to do this. I'm not losing you because I'm too selfish to compromise like you have. If I have to compromise to make this work, then I will. And where we're going, I'm meeting someone to give this title of gang leader away to."

I smile before wrapping my arms around his neck. "Alright, where are we going?"

He bites his bottom lip. "Michigan."

I think this has like one more chapter left and then maybe a prologue, but I don't know

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I think this has like one more chapter left and then maybe a prologue, but I don't know.

Don't be a silent reader!


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