|05| a blast from the past ✔

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Edited | ✔

chapter five

a b l a s t f r o m t h e p a s t


Releasing a small sigh, I turn down another unfamiliar road. The street signs are vague and the rain barreling down on the windshield of my car was not helping with sight.

"I don't see it, Phelix," I state, slowly growing annoyed by the whole situation.

Apparently, I was set to meet with a member of the gang I so much despised. He went by the name of Austin, though he wouldn't give Kayla his last name. Although, I can see why as he's not expecting me to show up and kill him; he's expecting on meeting me for some firearms the gang had ordered.

"Well, the street is said to be placed beside a huge, purple boulder─"

My eyes light up when they land on the boulder he had mentioned and I cut him off without realizing I did so until afterwards. "I see it," I say, quickly turning down the road in which its name I now recognize.

The gravel road and the tires of my car makes a strange sound combined together and I can't help but cringe.

"Okay, well you get on that and I'll try and find more leads. If we can locate the gang leader, the rest of them don't stand a chance," he says, me agreeing before we both end the call.

Pulling up to the medium-sized house, I quickly take the keys out of the ignition and march up to the door. Knocking roughly against it, I cross my arms over my chest and heave a heavy sigh.

After a couple of seconds of waiting, the door finally opens to reveal the girl that was serving me at the café the other day. Her blonde hair is streaming passed her shoulders and I frown at the strong resemblance between her and Dana. Why do they look so much alike?

"Oh, hey! You're the girl that I served the other day! I mean, I don't remember many faces considering I see a lot being a waitress and all but for some strange reason, your face stuck ya know?" she says before giggling to herself. It was almost suspicious.

I stare at her strangely for a second trying to find a way to respond. "I uh, yeah? Um. . . does a Austin live here by any chance?"

She frowns for a second before nodding. "Yeah, my nephew? He's right upstairs. He said he was expecting someone, but I never would've thought that he'd invite a girl over."

"He's your nephew?" I choke out in shock.

"Yeah, we're practically best friends," she chuckles causing me to tense.

Best friends? What kind of person would I be if I was to do the same thing to someone in which was done to me? I would be such a hypocrite.

Shaking my head, I send her a weak smile. "I'm sorry, I think I have the wrong house or something. The house I'm searching for is a door down. . ." I trail off causing a sad frown to appear on her face.

"Oh, well that sucks. I was actually beginning to think Austin had taken an interest in someone. What a shame," she mumbles the last part to herself although I could still make out what she said.

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