|14| 24 hours ✔

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Edited | ✔

chapter fourteen

2 4  h o u r s


"Dana?" I whisper faintly, the blonde headed woman sends me a sadistic smile. It is one that shows me that she doesn't care how everything went down. . . that she doesn't care that I have found her or that I had killed for her.

"It's been a while," she says, eyeing me over warily before her eyes lock with mine once again. "Time has done you very well in the looks department."

Frowning, I look at my shoes which are suddenly much more interesting than the person in front of me. That is not Dana and no one can change my mind about it.

The Dana I had once knew was compassionate, loving, and a much better friend than the woman standing in front of me at the moment. I guess the Dana I knew really did die at the school shooting seven years ago.

Mustering up the courage to look at her, I do. "Why?" my voice cracks, me trying to remain confident in myself.

She rolls her eyes, stepping closer to me. "I didn't care about you." She chuckles before twirling a piece of my brunette hair with her finger. "I can't believe you ever thought I did. I needed you as leverage to being a normal girl. I needed everyone to think I was as normal as you. You're weak, and too vulnerable if you ask me─"

"Enough," West cuts her off, venom lacing the two syllable word. He steps forward and pushes her out of the way.

I feel as if I can break down at any minute, but I can't. I can't let myself be so weak in front of her.

Who fakes their death and leaves a person in forever torment after witnessing the death of someone they care deeply about?

"Ava? Are you alright?" West steps forwards cautiously.

Staring at the gun in my hand, I grip it harshly until my knuckles turn a pale white. I scowl, my sorrow instantly turning into nothing but rage. She is supposed to be dead. That's how she's supposed to be and I'm going to be the one to make sure that happens.

Blanking my face, I stare deathly at West, his eyes widening in my change of mood. "Ava. . . I need you to listen to me. Calm down. Put the gun down. You know what happened last time─"

"She deserves it!" I yell out, tears finally escaping from my eyes.

With my vision blurry, I raise my gun and pin it on Dana, her eyes widening before she jumps behind West.

"You know I can't let you kill her. If you shoot, you'll shoot me and her. Do you really want that to happen?" he questions me, cautiously coming closer.

With every step he makes, Dana moves as well.

Stepping away from him, I send the two of them a blank look. "24 hours," I say causing West to send me a confused and questioning look.

"24 hours?" He questions.

"She gets a 24 hour head start before I come after her and I kill her, a member of your gang or not. She gets 24 hours before I get to play my favorite game once again," I reply, answering his question blankly.


"I gave her 24 hours. Accepting my terms or not, it's happening. And so far, you know me better than anyone." Pausing, I look over at Dana who has made her way out from behind West. "I would get a move on sweet heart because even West can tell you. . . when I have my mind set on something, I don't stop until I achieve just that. Seven years, keep that in mind."

"Seven years of what?" she questions warily, seeming scared. And her being scared causes me the slightest bit of joy.

"Seven years of trying to avenge you. Times that by one hundred and that's how long this little game will keep going until I finally get you and end the life that was supposed to end at the school so many years ago. So good luck, it's not going to be a fair game."

Staring at West in horror, he sends her a defeated look, shrugging his shoulders and motioning his head to the door, trying to get her to get a move on. Nodding subtly, she runs from the room we are currently in.

"I'm proud," he states, his voice barely above a whisper.

Looking up at him, my heart internally smiles but my face remains blank and lifeless. "You shouldn't be. I'm a horrible person. I'm just now learning to embrace it."

"No you're not," he shakes his head, moving towards me to tuck a loose strand of my hair behind my ear. "You're broken. I'm sure anyone in your position would have the same mindset. I understand you. . ." he trails off, frowning.

"I know," I finally admit it to myself. No matter how hard I've tried to fight it, he's somehow weasled his way into my life, making it so much better if I'm honest. "And I thank you for it because no one else does but you," I say causing him to smile, a small blush creeping onto his already flushed cheeks. "I only did it for you. . ." I trail off. "I couldn't bare the thought of hurting you."

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Don't be a silent reader!


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