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chapter nine

i s  t h i s  p a r t  t w o ?


Blowing out a breath of frustration, I frown and observe Kayla and Phelix. They are staring at me in caution, afraid I might blow up any second. But that's the thing. . . I feel nothing.

Staring blankly at them, I reply, "So you can recover a destroyed document, but you're not able to locate a gang leader?"

Phelix sighs and runs a hand through his unruly, brown hair. "It was in the process of being destroyed. I'm guessing something spooked one of the members─"

I cut in. "Austin. . ." I frown in realization. "He knew I was searching for answers and that's why he pushed me away today. He didn't want me to know that he killed my best friend, his sister."

I grip the coffee table in front of me harshly, standing up abruptly.

Quickly looking back over to the couple, I sigh. "I'm leaving and I'm sure you know why. You can let yourselves out, I'm sure."

With the wave of a hand, I grip my gun from under a bag where I had hid it, along with my pocket knife, and slide both into the waistband of my jeans.

Well. . . I guess it's time to go and kill my ex-boyfriend.

×   ×   ×

Arriving back at the café, I slam my car door shut behind me and push my way through the crowds of people to the door of the small shop.

"Hey lady, it's closed!" I hear a couple of people yell in unison before the whole crowd begins chanting in anger.

Frowning, I look through the café window and see Maya wiping down a table, Austin in the back on his phone.

Rage suddenly rippling through me at the sight of the disgusting "family," I quickly use my elbow and smash the glass, causing it to shatter at the force.

I hear Maya's faint scream but I pay no attention to it as I march menacingly over to Austin.

"Ava? What are you─" Austin begins before my fist speaks for itself and I deck him in the face.

He grips his now bloody nose and groans in pain, his eyes squeezing shut. "What the heck, Ava?" he glares at me after he recovers from the sudden blow.

Gripping the gun in my waistband, I suddenly feel guilty.

And now is not the time to feel guilty.

Raising the gun at him, his eyes widen and he cowers. "You're disgusting," I growl out at the sorry excuse for a brother in front of me.

"What are you talking about? What's going on?" Maya whines, her visibly trembling in fear. "Ava, sweetie, you need to calm down. Drop the gun, please."

Glaring at her, I shake my head. "Don't you dare call me sweetie. You and your family are just a bunch of disgusting low life's. I mean, seriously? Being a part of a gang wasn't enough so you had to kill a member of your own family? What could a fourteen year old possibly do, huh?" I snarl at Austin.

"They're going to call the cops if you don't put the gun down, Ava. I'm warning you. . ." Austin threatens.

"No, I'm warning you. If you so much as try to speak to me again without my permission, you're going to regret your entire existence. That is, if by now, you don't already," I spit at him.

He stands rigid, his eyes flickering behind me for a second as if someone was awaiting there. Quickly spinning around, I pin the culprit with my gun and he raises his hands up in surrender.

"Ava, what's going on here?" West questions me intently, eyeing the gun in my hand.

"This doesn't concern you so leave," I growl at him distastefully. "I've stabbed you once, I can easily stab you again."

He makes a gesture to Austin; it was a stop sign which he probably used to order Austin to stand still. Why he has control over Austin, I have no idea. His eyes hold amusement. "Yeah, with what knife?" he chuckles.

Is he really challenging me at a moment like this?

Rolling my eyes, I quickly grab the knife from my waistband and throw it at him, it cutting through the flesh on his stomach causing him to fall to the floor of the café in pain.

Turning back towards Austin, I now see he has a gun of his own. Was West really just a diversion? Why was he helping him?

Austin raises his gun towards me and pins me with it. His eyes are full of unshed tears. Perhaps I am a weakness? Stupid boy. If you're going to get into a gun fight, you never show your weaknesses. People will just use them against you. . . something I'm about to do.

Glaring at Austin, Maya sinks down behind the bar, tears streaming down her face. She killed her own niece and didn't shed a tear, but when she's even close to a near death situation, she bawls like a new born baby.

Rolling my eyes, I bring my gun up and duck to the ground. I quickly shoot Austin in the leg, disabling him and causing his gun to fall to my feet.


Leaning down to get it, my hand gets close before an idea comes to mind.

Standing back up and looking at both of the disabled men, I smirk.

"You know what?" I chuckle, before kicking Austin's gun back over to him. "Let me introduce you to one of my favorite games. . ."

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