|27| toxic ✔

193 27 4

Edited | ✔

chapter twenty-seven

d e v i l i s h   p l a n s


"Okay, we can fix this," I say before nodding and placing the pencil down on the black, polished coffee table in front of me. "We─"

"Ava," West interrupts. He grips my wrist into his right hand and turns me towards him on the sofa. "Everything is going to be okay."

Anger ripples through me as I stand up from the couch. Glaring at him, I walk over to the cracked television before turning around to face him once more. "This ruins everything! I had a plan. I was going to track Dana down, kill her to rid her from my life, and then move on to New York to restart my messed up life."

"Wait, slow down," West says before standing up from the couch as well. "You were going to move to New York without telling me?"

I distinctly see hurt on his face causing me to suck my lower lip into my mouth. After a couple of seconds in suffocating silence, I finally decide to speak. "It was just a kiss, West. It didn't mean anything," I whisper, avoiding eye contact with him as the words slip from my mouth. They taste like acid, but I had to say it to protect him from me. I'm toxic.

He wasn't a part of the plan either. I can't start a new life when I'm in a relationship with my past. He's a gang leader for crying out loud.

"Ava, you don't understand─"

"I'm sorry," I interrupt him. "I think I do understand and I know you have feelings for me. . . I just can't go there with you. I hope you'll forgive me in time."


As the words slip from her mouth effortlessly, I feel my heart slowly break into two.

She quickly grabs the keys to the car before storming out of the old motel room. Collapsing onto the beige couch, I feel for my phone in my pocket and I grab the card her birth father handed her.

She really doesn't understand. I will do anything to keep her here with me. Knowing that she's out there alone scares me because I know that I can't be there for her if she's all the way in New York. If she gets hurt, I can't rush to her. If she gets involved in serious trouble, I can't be there to protect her.

If she leaves, she'll be taking a part of me with her because I love her.

After keying the number into my phone, I press call and soon, the familiar voice of the man rings through my ears.


"Hey, this is West Livingston. I have some things I would like to discuss with you."

×   ×   ×

"So what is it you called me down here for?" the man questions me, slipping off his black leather coat before placing it on the chair beside him.

I asked him to meet me at a Diner that was about six blocks down the road from his motel. It isn't the nicest place, but I don't care much for looks at the moment.

Glancing outside at the rain I had to walk in to get here, I clear my throat. "What did you do with Dana?"

Surprise covers his face as his lips twitch upwards into a sinister smirk. "She hurt my daughter, so she's having to pay right now."

"Alright, so she's not dead?" I question, his eyes locking with my own. He seems hesitant to answer the question which causes my eyes to narrow unwillingly.

"No. . ." he trails off before clearing his throat. "No, she's not dead. I don't want her dead right yet."

I smile, placing my hands on top of the old wooden table. Popping my knuckles once, I look back up at him. "Well I need you to do me a favor."

He pauses to eye me warily. "Uh huh, and what is this favor exactly?"

My grin widens. "I need you to set Dana free."

So I've been having recent obsessions with Harry flipping Styles and it's killing me

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So I've been having recent obsessions with Harry flipping Styles and it's killing me. Does anyone know how to buy one because like... 😍.

I honestly don't even know what this book is anymore. It is so cringe and makes me want to bang my head up against some knives.

Don't be a silent reader!


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