author's note

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Hey to anyone who has decided to take their time to read this.

I just wanted to say that I'm very thankful to all of my readers. Just the other day I was freaking out because of 200+ reads and now, I'm freaking out about over 4.2k reads and I honestly cannot believe it. 

I also wanted to present that this is now a series. I'm very excited to say that there will be three books so far.

They don't tie into each other but each book has the same concept. If interested, The Hunting Game has been posted and you can click and read the blurb.

I will not, however, begin on that book until I'm finished with this one. I want 100% of my attention on these books because I'm very proud of them and the ideas.

Thank you to you if you took your time to read this!

Don't be a silent reader and enjoy!


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