|15| mind over matter ✔

326 59 14

Edited | ✔

chapter fifteen

m i n d o v e r m a t t e r


Waking up, I groggily rub the sleep from my eyes and peer over to my phone, frowning in confusion when I see West lying over on a couch on the other side of the room instead.

Looking around at the unfamiliar room, I grip my head in pain; it is throbbing. "West?" I croak out in confusion causing his eyes to hesitantly open, him looking over at me with a small smile.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" he questions me, slowly sitting up into an upright position on the couch.

"What. . . what happened?"

"Well. . ." he trails off hesitantly causing my frown to deepen.

8 hours before. . .

"Keep'em coming!" I slur, pinching the bridge of my nose. Checking the time above the bar on the wall, I notice my vision beginning to deteriorate causing a smile to grace my face. It is 3 o'clock in the morning.

I want to forget today. I want to forget I ever saw Dana, I was ever friends with Dana, that I had ever murdered someone. I want to be another person for tonight. Sure, soon reality would set in, but I deserve to live in a fantasy once in awhile as well.

"Are you sure that's a good idea, ma'am?" the bartender questions warily, observing my very drunken state. "You don't look too well."

"I'm fine," I snap, my head bobbing sideways a little. Sure, I am quite drunk, but I can still think straight. . . kinda, I guess.

Observing me for a couple of seconds more, he's about to argue when an unfamiliar male voice jumps in. "Hey, you're getting paid aren't you? Get the girl another drink."

Looking over at the brown headed man, I send him a lazy smile. "You know," I begin with a slur, "you look a lot like my friend West."

The man tenses slightly, sending me a toothy smile. "West? As in West Livingston?" he questions, sliding the shot the bartender had placed down for him over to me.

Gripping it between my two fingers, I send the man a drunken smile and nod. "Yep, the one and only. You know'em?"

His once smile turns into a sinister grin. "Well I'd hope so seeming as I helped create him." He chuckles, me not understanding as I am completely out of it. I don't care. All I can think about is the stinging liquid swashing down my throat, each drink helping me to forget everything.

"Cute," I comment with a nod before I begin choking, clutching my throat and falling from the bar stool onto my shaky legs. There was something in the shot he had given me for sure.

Looking up at him, I fall to the ground struggling to breathe.

"What the─? Ava, is that you?" I hear West's voice question before I see his face in front of mine, my vision still blurry from being so intoxicated.

"Who did this to you?" West's voice begins to slowly fade, him shaking my body violently. "Ava, stay with me!"

Present. . .

"I just started choking?" I deadpann, staring at him blankly as I throw my legs over the side of the bed. I am still in the same clothes as yesterday; all I can remember is arriving at the bar. Everything else is a blur after that.

"Yeah, I figured someone must have spiked a drink, but I don't know of anything that would have caused you to choke like that. Thankfully, some man stepped in to save the day. He wouldn't give me his name but he had some weird antidote that thankfully worked."

"So you let some random man inject me with something?" I ask him incredulously.

"No, silly. He had a pill and forced it down your throat," he states nonchalantly as if what he said wasn't completely crazy.

My eyes widening, I stand up from the bed. "What if he was the one who had given me the spiked drink?" I question angrily, crossing my arms over my chest.

Him rising to his feet to meet my heated gaze, he frowns. "Ava, you stopped breathing. I didn't know what else to do. I've lost a whole lot of people in my small lifetime─I couldn't lose you too." His voice cracks a little near the end.

My gaze softening slightly, I look away and frown. "I'm sorry. I should try and be more understanding," I say before pausing, locking eyes with his own once again. "I should go though."

Nodding, he clears his throat and hands me my shoes, gun, and pocket knife. All to which I quickly place on my body somehow.

"I'll see you later?" he questions, hopeful, as I near the door.

Looking back to him, I frown and sigh. "Look West, I appreciate you a lot. A lot more than you'll ever know. It's just. . . I have to leave today. I have to begin searching for Dana. She could be anywhere by now."

He frowns, rubbing the nape of his neck anxiously. "You can't," he rushes out.

Frowning slightly, I notice his discomfort. "What? And why is that?"

He shakes his head, looking towards the ground. "Because you belong here with me. I'm probably being really selfish right now, but I don't want you to leave. So far, you're the best thing that has ever happened to me," he confesses, looking at me with pleading eyes.

This is the most vulnerable he's ever been in front of me and I'd be lying if I said my heart didn't ache at the thought of me just leaving him behind. I'd also be lying to myself if I was to say that I hadn't grown accustomed to having him around or that I didn't feel even the slightest bit for him.

I'd be lying if I said that I wouldn't stay for him because I know myself I would in a heart beat.

"Bye West." I send him a sad smile before walking out of the door before he could respond to my actions.

Sighing, I lean against his apartment door from the outside, clenching my eyes shut as I draw my bottom lip into my mouth. Soon, biting hard enough to draw blood. The metallic taste in my mouth makes me wince, the chilly air blowing through my brown locks.

Nodding slightly after my moment, I walk in the direction of my apartment to pack, ready to search for the girl who has ruined my life.

Ready to search for the girl that I was ready to kill just to get back to West.

Afterall, it was mind over matter. I didn't mind and she didn't matter.

 I didn't mind and she didn't matter

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