|25| surprise ✔

186 36 4

Edited | ✔

chapter twenty-five

s u r p r i s e


Gripping the steering wheel harshly into my hand, I glance over at the empty passenger seat before rolling my eyes.

He just had to sleep in.

West's phone suddenly lights up causing me to quickly pull to the side of the road and grab it. It turns out to be a notification from a blocked number which is strange.

Blocked Number
Hey West, it's Dana. I'm turning myself in. Tell Ava to come to 721 Parker Ave. 89301, Nevada. I already know you're here.

Smiling victoriously, I key the address into the GPS before quickly pulling onto the road and following the directions Helga, that's what I named my GPS, gives me.

"Turn right onto Parker Avenue," the robotic voice says a few minutes down the road.

Pulling into a semi-empty parking lot, I contemplate on calling the motel to get in touch with West. I mean, I'm pretty sure I can handle Dana by myself; I was planning on going on this trip alone anyway and I've never been dependent on anyone, so why start now?

Making sure my gun is loaded and my knife is sharp, I step out of the black, rented car and begin walking to the set of apartments.

Reaching an old elevator, I step in and go to the top floor. It is room 721 so I know it won't be near the bottom of the building.

As the bell to the elevator dings and opens, Dana stands before me with a gun of her own aimed directly at me.

I raise my hands in surrender slowly while grimacing. If I were to reach for my gun, she would surely shoot me. She grips my arm harshly, her nails digging into my skin before she pulls me towards her and out of the elevator with my hands still raised in the air.

"I knew you would come alone. You're so stupid. There are times you may need someone, you know?" She snarls causing me to grimace distastefully.

"Ugh, I can't stand you," she says before rolling her eyes, pushing me along down the hallway.

Smirking, I say, "Then sit down."

"You may think you're funny, but you're really not. That isn't going to matter in a couple of minutes anyway once Greg is done with you."

The name sends a shrill of cold down my spine and my eyes widen. "Greg?" I question, the name of my birth father slipping off of my tongue in pure disgust. It's not that I hate him, it is the fact that he had left my mom before I was born.

I never knew Kevin, my mom's second husband, wasn't my real dad until I was ten when the truth was revealed. I didn't care either honestly. Kevin was and always will be my only father. It's a title that you have to earn and Greg definitely hasn't earned it nor will he ever.

"Yeah, your father? I don't know why he would need you anyway, you're worthless," she spits.

My face growing hot with anger, I suddenly stop in my tracks and use my elbow to jab her in the face. She drops her gun with a groan and I successfully push it through the metal bars that were on the large balcony hallway until it falls to the ground with a thud from below.

Holding her nose and looking up at me, she frowns when she realizes I haven't pulled my gun on her.

"What are you─" she begins but I cut her off.

"This is for the fake school shooting," I say before decking her in the face once again.

She shrieks as she nurses her busted lip.

"This is for being a complete disappointment," I growl before pushing her to the cement flooring causing her knees to collide and scrape against it painfully.

She looks up me with fear-ridden eyes as I pull my gun out on her and quickly take it off of safety. Cocking it, I smile. "And lastly, this is for saying I'm not funny. I'm hilarious," I say but before I'm able to rid her of my life for good, a deep voice stops me.

"Put the gun down, Ava or you're going to regret your entire existence," the male voice says, his patience already seeming to be running thin.

Sighing with my eyes still latched on Dana's, I shake my head. "I already regret my entire existence so that won't be much of a change."

"Fine, let me rephrase that," the voice begins. "If you want to live, you'll put the gun away and let me take care of Dana myself."

Dana's eyes leave mine before looking behind me, her eyes wide with fear. "We had a deal," she croaks out.

"We didn't shake on it," he muses from behind me.

Placing my gun back into my waistband, I slowly turn around to face the man who scarily, looks a lot like me. The cruel-hearted man that left a pregnant woman with no money. The man that left me.

"Isn't your life just full of surprises?" He smiles, tilting his head to the side.

This book should be ending soon but idk we'll see

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This book should be ending soon but idk we'll see.

OH AND today was my last day of school, so let's have a moment of silence for that. Okay, moment is over. Now it's time to forget everything I learned.

Don't be a silent reader!


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