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chapter twenty-three

s o r r y f o r t h e
i n c o n v e n i e n c e


"On the road again," West sings out causing me to cringe away from him, me sitting in the passenger seat of the car we are now in. "Just can't wait to get on the road again."

"Please," I whine, hiding my face with my hand.

I hear West chuckle causing me to sigh. "You take the fun out of funtastic," he teases.

Rolling my eyes, I cross my arms over my chest. "That's not even a word, you loser," I say, glancing out of the window as he turns off of the interstate and makes his way down an exit. "Where are we going exactly?" I question.

"Well, what you didn't know is that I have a tracking device on Dana's cell. I completely forgot about it until about thirty minutes ago when it said she was close by. So. . . welcome to Carson City. Better known as Nevada's state capital," he informs.

"Right," I drawl. "And you're telling me that we, out of luck, just so happened to go to the correct state?"

He sighs. "You read too much into everything. Do you know how to relax?"

Resting my pointer finger on my chin, I feign that I'm in deep thought. "I mean, I don't know, with hunting down my ex best friend, getting rid of your father, and trying not to hate you, I'm too busy to relax, ya know?" I joke.

He rolls his eyes and nudges me with his elbow slightly, causing me to let out a small, genuine chuckle.

× × ×

"Yes," I exclaim, sarcasm dripping from my voice in waves. "Another musty motel room. So much fun, am I right?"

"Don't be such a baby," West teases. "We're not here to stay. The tracker on my phone leads me to this motel," he says before pausing. "What I don't understand though, is to why she stopped. I've trained her better than this."

He seems very disappointed in her and also quite sad causing me to feel resentment and, I think, jealousy. I've never been jealous before so I'm not really sure.

"Were you two, like, together once upon a time?" I question with a scowl on my face.

Taking the keys from the ignition of the car and shoving them into his blue jean pants pocket, he shakes his head avoiding my eyes. "No, but I did think of her as family. I kinda lost respect for her after learning about what she put you through though. I don't think anyone should have to undergo that kind of emotional stress."

Nodding, I sigh and grip the car's door handle and step out of the car. West does the same before we meet near the hood of the car. "So where to?" I question causing his face to drop slightly.

Taking his phone out of his pocket, he looks at the coordinates of the map and frowns.

"It's says. . ." he trails off before walking about five feet away from me. "It says she's right here." He looks around in confusion before his eyes fall to the pavement and they land on a cracked smartphone. Blood is smeared slightly on the screen which causes him to frown. "I think someone beat us to her."

Walking over to him, I pull my sleeve over my hand and grip the phone. West frowns at me, even more confused. "Fingerprints," I inform causing him to nod. "This is strange though. Do you know of anyone that might have had an issue with her?"

He nods his head. "Yeah, she tended to get herself into a lot of trouble. She's very selfish so she has a lot of enemies. I wouldn't be surprised if she was murdered. It would be the time to strike as she's not protected by the gang anymore."

Pulling my hand out of the sleeve of my shirt, I turn on the phone and quickly guess the pass code as her birth year. It luckily unlocks causing a smile to grace my lips. Going to the text messages, I read some from an unlisted number.

(323) ***-****
Do you know where she is?

She's tracking me right now. You still want me to lead her there?

(323) ***-****
Yes, her mother would have wanted this.

Frowning at the only three text messages, I exit out of the app and lock the phone again. They were talking about me unless someone else is tracking her inconveniently. If that is true, who is she texting and how does whoever it is, know my mother?

Looking up at West who is observing me in concern, I shake my head. "We need to find Dana. . . now."

Don't be a silent reader!

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Don't be a silent reader!


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