|30| fro-yo dates and i love yous ✔

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Edited | ✔

chapter thirty

f r o - y o   d a t e s   a n d
  i   l o v e   y o u s


"I don't know about this, West," I say as I bounce my knee up and down in anticipation.

West places his large hand on my knee and sends me a scolding look. "Have you not ever been on an airplane before? It's not that bad."

I look out of the window and shake my head as a voice comes over the intercom and politely tells us to put our seat belts on. I shove mine on as quick as I can before gripping onto West's hand causing him to wince.

He chuckles at my emotional state. "Ease up, will ya? I find it funny how you can be completely bold when in the face of danger, but when you're completely safe, you want to freak out."

I turn my head to glare at him. "Safe? Safe? You call this safe? We're in a flying piece of metal that could be around fifty years old and have several technical issues, have the propellers replaced twice, and have some horrible background history, and you have the decency to tell me that we're safe."

He laughs. Laughs. Does he not get how we are risking our lives to go to a place I don't even want to go to? He's insane and that's coming from me.

West's phone suddenly rings snapping me out of my thoughts and I look over and see the happy expression on his face, fall.

"Hello?" he answers gruffly. "No, she doesn't want to speak with you. . . I'll tell her you called." He then hangs up with a large scowl on his face.

"Who was it?" I question.

He looks over at me and sighs. "It was your father. He was upset that you didn't call and tell him that you were leaving Phoenix and Los Angeles. He wanted me to give the phone to you, but I knew that you didn't want to deal with him so I told him so."

I smile before leaning over to place a small kiss to his cheek. Settling back into my seat, I look out of the window to see we're already off of the ground.

"Thank you," I say.

"Anything for you, darling."

×   ×   ×

"This is a nice house." I smile before looking over at West who seems to be having a sense of nostalgia. I would think he would considering we're staying in the house he grew up in with his mother.

After setting our bags down in a room, we walk back down the stairs and settle down on a couch.

"So you keep paying for the electricity and water?" I question him.

He looks down while twiddling thumbs. "I feel like if I don't, it's more real that she's actually gone and I don't know if I could handle the fact."

I smile sadly at him before lifting his chin so his eyes would meet my own. "Let's go get some frozen yogurt, yeah? I know a really good place around here."

He smiles and nods before kissing the top of my hand gently.

After getting ourselves ready for the public, we jump into the renta-car and I drive him down to Eric's Fro-yo. I used to come to this place everyday when I was younger and needed to get away from the things that went on in my personal life.

After arriving, we quickly get out of the car and walk into the shop hand in hand.

"I'll grab two cups, you find us a seat," I instruct. He nods and pecks my cheek before walking off in the opposite direction.

Walking up to the cashier, I suddenly narrow my eyes as I remember the red-headed girl. I used to hang out with her before I left.

"Ava?" she questions in a whisper with her eyes wide.

I clear my throat and avoid eye contact with her. "Two cups please."

"Ava, it's me Tara. Do you not remember me? We used to hang out all of the time before you left unexpectedly. We went to high school together. Don't you remember?" she questions as her eyes display hurt.

"I'm sorry, I think you have the wrong girl," I lie.

It's not that I wanted to lie. I just don't think I can deal with the overbearing questions that I'm not ready to answer at the moment. I'm not even staying anyway so I don't think I have to worry about it much.

She frowns, but nevertheless hands me two cups for the fro-yo. Walking back to West who is seated at a table by the large street view window, I hand him the cup and he sends me a forced smile.

I frown and grip onto his hand, reading him like an open book. "What's wrong? Do you want to leave?"

"No, I just. . . I don't know if I want to go back to L.A. Now that I'm here, I don't think I can leave that house again. I owe my mother to take care of that house."

Sitting down in front of him, a frown rests on my face as I bite my lip.

Raising my head to meet his eyes after a couple of minutes in silence, I send him a weak smile. "Then we'll stay."


"We'll stay here in Michigan," I say before smiling widely.

He gapes at me before shaking his head. "I won't make you do anything you don't want to do, Ava. I love you─"

"I love you too, West," I say.


"Like you said before, to make this relationship work, we both have to compromise. So if you want to stay here in Michigan, I do too because my home is with you. A certain location doesn't matter as long as I'm with you."

He smiles widely before walking around the table. I stand up and wrap my arms around his neck as he snakes his around my waist.

"Maybe we should actually eat some fro-yo," I finally whisper causing the both of us to laugh.

"Maybe we should actually eat some fro-yo," I finally whisper causing the both of us to laugh

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This is the last chapter before the epilogue!!!!

So they end up living in Michigan together and Ava finally said she loved him which is greaaaat.

Don't be a silent reader!


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