|06| the livingston gang ✔

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Edited | ✔

chapter six

t h e l i v i n g s t o n g a n g


"Maya, pass me the butter," Austin says causing 'Maya' to fold her arms over her chest. Ever since we arrived at the dinner table, it's been severely tense between Maya and Austin. Everything about being here feels wrong.

Sending Austin a pointed look, she scolds him. "Was that a demand or a question?"

He rolls his eyes and clenches his jaw. "Don't be like this today. I just need the butter so if you don't mind. . ." he trails off.

This time it was Maya's turn to roll her eyes. "If you're going to be rude, you can get it yourself."

Having enough of their bickering back and forth, I stand up abruptly causing the chair that I was sitting in to emit a strange sound as it scraped against the tile floor. Gripping the butter harshly into my hand, I extend it to Austin whilst sending him a fake smile. "Take it," I demand.

He grips it cautiously before beginning to spread it on whatever he needed to. Sitting back down and getting comfortable in my chair, I heave out a heavy sigh.

"I'm sorry," Maya apologizes, breaking the once tense silence.

Locking eyes with her own, I frown. "For what exactly?" I question her. She then sends me an anxious smile.

"I'm aware that my sister and her husband along with Austin left without bidding as much as a goodbye. . . and I'm sorry for that." She then pauses before looking guiltily down at her plate of food. "I know you were really close to Dana; I'm her aunt as well as Austin's. My sister and her husband, Will, are on a business trip right now so I'm watching the house while they're gone─"

"Not that you need to," Austin cuts in, frowning as he pushes the food around on his plate.

"No, but Sheila asked me to," she snaps back at him before sighing. "I knew who you were the moment I saw you at the café and I couldn't help but think that it was fate drawing you back into the lives of this family. Dana would have wanted you here with us again─"

"Please stop," I suddenly state. "I didn't come here because I knew Dana's family was here. Heck, I didn't even know that you guys moved to Los Angeles. I wasn't told where you guys left to. . . you just disappeared leaving me disappointed. Don't try and make this out as if it's fate that had brought me here─I don't believe in that bullcrap. I know why I'm here," I suddenly end, staring pointedly at Austin who quickly avoids my gaze with a frown.

"And I don't know if I like the reason as to why I'm here," my voice breaks near the end, me covering it with a cough. "If you'll excuse me. . ." I mumble, trailing off.

Standing up, I rush out of the kitchen leaving Maya and Austin in a state of shock.

I couldn't do it. I didn't know I held resentment for them leaving me. Although, they were my second family. Having no one there for me after the death of my parents sucked completely. They were all I had and I couldn't talk to anyone because the only people or friends I had, were either deceased or they had left without a simple goodbye.

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