3. First Day of School

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  " Thank you, for being my first friend here in Seoul. " He said which made my heart race..   

~' Taehyung P.O.V. ~

Honestly, when my dad told me we will be leaving Daegu, I was upset. I didn't want to leave Daegu because my friends were there. Well, to be honest, I barely had any friends. Only just like 2. 

Today was the first day of school. Gangnam High School, I didn't have the uniform, so I wore the clothes that Hyeri got me. She is really pretty in all, but I can tell her and Jungkook have something. Considering he chased her and she even put her legs around his waist. They both must like each other at least. When she gave me the clothing, I almost cried. Ever since my mother passed away, no woman, not even my aunt, has given me clothing. It was like that ever since I was around 6. I had my dad though, he was always busy looking for jobs to support me, so I did the same. 

Hyeri is such a rich, nice, beautiful, and well mannered girl, I liked her because she was really nice to me when we first met, but she probably wants someone as rich and as handsome and flawless as she is. 

I was walking to school and saw the Jungkook and Hyeri were walking together. I was about to turn away and walk to the office, but Hyeri called me. 

" Taehyung?! " She yelled and ran towards me. 

" Hey Hyeri. " I said shyly. Wow, she is so gorgeous in her uniform. 

" Do you know where the office is? I can take you. " She said and I nodded. 

Everybody kept staring at us which made me weirded out. Are they staring at me? Or Hyeri? 

I heard boys talking. 'Wow, first day at school and already gets to hold Hyeri's hand, lucky him..'  they said. And I realized they were talking about Hyeri. ' Wow she is popular '   I said to myself. I walked with her anyways. 

" Hello Hyeri. What can I do for you? " The lady at the front desk asked. ' Even staff members know her too. '

" This is the new transfer student, Taehyung " Hyeri said and I nodded 

" Last name, please. " the lady asked 

" Kim, Kim Taehyung " I replied awkwardly. 

" Here is your schedule, Mr. Kim, have a great day Hyeri " she said and both me and Hyeri left. 

I was looking at my schedule till Hyeri asked me. 

" What's your classes? " She questioned 

" uh.. Chemistry, Physical Education, Science, Math, History, Drama, Music " I said slowly 

" Ahh, we have Physical Education, Science, Math, Drama, and Music together " she said which made me happy. " Chemistry class is room 20B, go down this hallway and take a left. Look at the room numbers to make sure. " she said and I nodded. " I have to go now. History is all the way across campus. " she said and left smiling. 

I walked into class and introduced myself. 

" Hello, i'm Taehyung, a transfer student from Daegu. " I said and I saw girls smiling. 

' He's so cute ' ' Dang, he's hawt ' they commented. 

' He's the guy who was with Hyeri ' a guy said 

" Take a seat next to.. Park Jimin " the teacher said and I nodded. I realized it was one of Hyeri's friends. 

" Sup man, guess we meet again " Jimin said and I nodded. " Sit. " he said

I took out my books and tried to pay attention in class. I always had A's or B's. I was okay in school, I heard people say that Hyeri is the most beautiful girl at the school, she has the best grades, and she is also the richest. 

Many guys seemed to like her.. they were all buff and fit, I don't think she would like me. The day we met, whenever I called her name. It made my heart flutter. She is the first to do that. maybe because she is so caring towards me.

**RING,RING** 2 periods pass

It was now break-time. I was going to go eat, but then Hyeri grabbed my arm. 

" The hallway get's crowded. " She said, and I smiled. I realized that she and I were so close, and we even intertwined hands. When she let go I got shocked " Get a plate " she said. everything she got, she put it on my plate as well. I was about to sit at a random group but she tapped my shoulder. " You don't wanna sit with me? " she asked and I got up 

" Of course I wanna sit with you. " I replied and she smiled 

" Here, sit down. This is where Jungkook usually sits, but he'll sit on this side for now on. " she said and we began eating. 

As Jungkook came walking, I saw he looked angry that I took his seat. But he still sat on the other side of Hyeri. I watched as Hyeri and Jungkook were talking, her smile always grew bigger while she was with him, it seemed different for me. 

" So Taehyung, how's your family? " Hoseok asked and I almost choked. 

" uh.. well, my dad works at Hyeri's company. " I said shortly 

" Your mom? " Jin asked 

" Uh.. she passed away, when I was 6 " I said and Hyeri was shocked. 

" Sorry for asking.. " Jin said as he looked down 

" It's okay, it was a long time ago.. " I replied, feeling bummed 

" Are you rich? " Jimin asked and Namjoon slapped his head 

" That's not something you ask " Namjoon shouted. 

" Uh.. no.. it was always just me and my father, we used up most of our money on my mother's grave and cremate " I said lowly. 

I stood up and walked away. 

~~ Hyeri P.O.V. ~~ 

Taehyung stood up and walked away. 

I slapped  Jimin 

" You are an idiots, stop being so rude about people's statuses " I yelled and everyone became in shock. I saw Taehyung walk out and everyone looked at me as I yelled his name and ran after him. He was outside sitting on the bleachers. 

" Taehyung.. " I said and he looked at me 

" Go eat.. you'll be hungry.. " he said but I walked closer to him

" Mianhae ( sorry ), Jimin ask dumb questions like that, excuse him. " I said. 

" It's okay, I knew from the start that all of you guys were rich, that I didn't fit in. " he replied.. 

" Don't think like that.. Jungkook actually isn't rich. His family is an average family like yours, but his dad and my dad were best friends, so his dad is the head Director at our company. That's how they get money.. " I said and he looked at me. 

" Stop trying to make me feel better, go to them i'll be okay.. " he said and went to the bleachers and I just sat next to him. 

" You know, when I went to your house, I asked myself why you don't have pictures of your mom.. now I know that she passed away, I feel even more bad for asking myself. " I said and he looked at me.. 

" It's okay.. " he said. I slowly locked his hand in mine and leaned on his shoulder. 

" Many people think, because i'm rich I judge others by their wealth, that's not true.. I've always been taught discipline by my grandmother, meaning I know reality. My mother was actually a poor girl, my father loved her though, my father visited her everyday, and bought her food, now they are married and have me. My mother always told me to not care about statuses. So I don't. So don't think like that, even if you don't want to be with them. Know that you're accepted by me.. I won't leave you.. " I said and he nodded.. 

~~ Taehyung P.o.V.~~ 

'You make my heart race.. Hyeri '

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