26. Who is the MAN?!

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~~ Jihyo P.O.V. ~~ 

After Taehyung left I took a sigh of relief. I quickly called Jimin again. 

" Hey, guess who came by? " I asked him. 

" Uh, who? " Jimin asked 

" Taehyung. " I replied and I heard a gasp. 

" Did you tell him? " Jimin asked

" Nope, I'll never. He made Hyeri cry to much. " I replied 

" Yeah, well, come by if you can. Okay? " He asked. 

" Yeah, sure " I said 

I ended the call and finished cleaning the counter. After I was done, I closed the light and headed to the hospital to visit Hyeri. 

I passed the nurse and headed towards her room and see her holding her son. 

" Awww, I can't believe my little cousin is a mom! " I yelled making her laugh, 

" He's asleep " She said holding onto him. 

" Name? " I asked. 

" Taecwon. Kim Taecwon would sound nice, but Lee Taecwon is fine " She said looking away. 

" Do you miss him? " I asked and a small tear drop fell down her cheek. 

" I do, I feel like whenever I see Taecwon, I see the mini version of Taehyung. " she said trying to smile. 

" You miss him so much, even after all those things he did to you. " I replied. 

" I do, and I'll always do. " She said confidently stroking her baby. 

~~ Taehyung P.O.V. ~~ 

I walked to Jungkook's house to see if Hyeri was there, but no one answered the door bell. I got so angry I decided to stay there for the whole night in case he comes out or tries to go into the house. 

'Was this how Hyeri felt? When she missed me.. ' I questioned myself

~~ Jungkook P.O.V. ~~ 

I was walking home to get the clothes that me and Hyeri bought for Taecwon. As I opened the front gate, I saw Taehyung sitting there sleeping. 

'Pst, what's he doing here?' I asked

I walked beside him and opened the door but he grabbed my ankle. 

" Where's Hyeri? " He asked. His lips were purple, and his hand was cold. 

" Why do you want to know? " I asked annoyed. 

" I didn't stay here all freaking night waiting for you, so you can tell me that you don't know where she is! " He yelled. 

" Why are you asking me then? " I asked back. 

" Because, I know, you're the first person she would go to. Help me.. help me find her! " He begged. 

" I can't. I love Hyeri, and you hurt her so much. If she doesn't want to see you, I will never help her be able to see you. " I said shaking his hand off from my ankle. 

~~ Taehyung P.O.V. ~~ 

A few moments later he came out with baby clothes in his hand. I took a close look at it. 

He walked into his car then drove off. 

I didn't bother to follow, instead I just decided to walk to random places. 

Everywhere I went, there were couples holding hands, married couple playing with their kids. I no longer had that. 

I walked down the road where me and Hyeri first met, all the replays of the things that happened, the times I yelled at her, made me angry at myself. I didn't need her to love me, I just wanted her to know, that I love her. 

~~ Hyeri P.O.V. ~~ 

I stood up and walked to the restroom, when I came back I saw Jungkook walking towards the room upset. 

I was confused so quickly went into the room. 

" Are you okay? " I asked and he nodded. 

" I'm fine, why? " He asked back. 

" You seemed angry " I replied and he shook his head. 

" I'm not. " He answered. 

I nodded my head then sat back down in my hospital bed. 

" We'll be leaving in a week or so. " I said as he handed over the clothes I asked him to get. 

" Good. Then we get to go home, and rest! " He exclaimed. 

" I told you to go home. Both of you! " I said pointing to Jimin who was asleep. 

" We wanted to stay here, it's weird without you " Jungkook replied and I laughed

" If I do give birth again, not saying I will, you two better go home and rest at night. " I demanded and he nodded his head yawning. 

" I'm so tired Hyeri. But Jimin is sleeping on the couch! " Jungkook shouted cutely 

" Come here " I said patting the side of my bed. 

He jumped into the bed with me and hugged me. 

" Awhh, this is the first time we slept like this in years " Jungkook exclaimed and I laughed stroking his hair. 

" I know.. I'll be honest, I missed it " I replied. Jimin then woke up and clicked his tongue. 

" I feel so offended nobody woke me up " Jimin shouted shaking his head in disappointment. 

He stood up and walked to the other side where Jungkook wasn't at and jumped in bed with us. 

" Guys, you two are fat. " I shouted 

" We love you too " They both said cutely in unison. 

I just chuckled but then Taecwon started crying. 

" Yah!! One of you go get my baby! " I shouted and both of them stood up to go get Taecwon. 

Taecwon prefers Jungkook more than Jimin, I guess because he saw Jungkook first. I smiled as both of them tried to calm down Taecwon, as they both sing a beautiful song together. 

After awhile, Jimin went home to go take a shower while me, Jungkook, and Taecwon took a stroll around the hospital. 

As we got to the first floor, we saw an emergency cart come in. 

I looked straight at it... 

noo, way... 

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