9. Jealousy

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  " Our relationship may not be perfect, but it's enough for me to be happy. Trust me, I'll be there for you.. I'll always be by your side. "   


~~ Hyeri P.O.V. ~~

He must have lived such a tough life that I didn't understand. I had a dad, and a mom. He grew up with only his dad and had to work twice as hard to get the tools he needed to survive. 

We stayed there for 2 periods, and then went down because school around ended. I grabbed my bags and so did he. I didn't realize it but I kept smiling. My face turned red but still I didn't care. He came to me and hugged me. 

" You're cheeks are red. " He said and pinched my cheeks. 

" Yah, yah, yah!! " I said while laughing. 


~~ Jungkook P.O.V. ~~

I was walking back to class to get my pencil when I see Taehyung and Hyeri hugging and him pinching her cheeks. I always pinched her cheeks too, and I always hugged her like that too, but I felt like she liked it better doing it with Taehyung. I step aside so they wouldn't see me. 

They were both walking out of the building. She was ahead of him as he zipped up his backpack and once he did, he ran up to her and immediately grabbed her hand. She didn't let go though, she just laughed along to what he did. 

I wanted Hyeri to myself.. but Taehyung is ruining it. 

I walked home all bummed! I walked to Jin's apartment. Jin is already 19 because he has an early birthday, but, he has his own apartment. We all met up there, but I went later. 

As I arrived Jimin hit me on the chest slightly 

" I guess he saw? " Jin said from the couch. 

" Saw what? " I asked and everybody laughed

" Stop acting like you don't know, Jungkook probably saw them hold hands, or hug, or maybe even kiss? " Jimin said teasingly. 

" Can you shut up! " Jungkook shouted and Jimin stepped aside feeling afraid. 

" What's up with the yelling? And attitude? " Yoongi said as he stepped out of the restroom. 

" Nothing, urgh, you guys are annoying. " I said to them and placed myself on Jin's couch. 

" What's wrong? " Namjoon asked as he slapped my back. 

" Why can't it be me? " I asked and everyone 'ooh' ed

" Why should it be you? " Jimin asked and I stood up. " Okay okay, just playing.. " He said putting his hands up. 

" Are you talking about Hyeri? " Yoongi insured. 

" Ne, (yes), why can't it be me, who gets to hug her and hold her hand.. why does it have to be that damn guy.. " I said angrily. 

" Well, Taehyung is really handsome for a guy who is poor, plus, he is sweet to her. You treat her like a sister so she does the same back. " Namjoon said and I mentally face palmed myself. 

" What could I have done? Rape her? Sexually harass her? " I said jokingly 

" Well, you could have been like ' Yo, wassup Hyeri, You know you and I go great together like peanut butter and jelly, so I was thinkin', would you be my girl please? ' " Hoseok said as he tried to rap. 

To be honest, it made me laugh. but.. to the point. 

" I get jealous over her, even though she isn't mine.. " I said and everybody nodded

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