24. New Life

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~~ Hyeri P.O.V. ~~

I moved in with Jihyo, like always she was the most comforting. She understood my situation and accepted it.

My first day there I woke up and headed to work with Jihyo. We started heating and pre-making the tteok.

" Can you take the costumer? " Jihyo asked and I nodded.

" Hello, what can I- " I looked up and see Hyunsik.

" Yo, sup Hyeri! " Hyunsik shouted coming behind the counter to hug me.

" What are you doing here? " I asked.

" Dad said you were transferred here? " He asked and I nodded.

" I guess we no longer have a heir? " I asked and he shook his head.

" Me! " He said and I widened my eyes.

" Really? " I asked and he nodded.

" I was told about what happened between you and my ex brother in law. It's fine. " He said and I nodded.

He ordered his tteok and left the place. I stood at the counter looking at the couples who came here today, my eyes then caught the empty table that me and Taehyung sat at when we first met.

I walked up to it and cleaned it off, replaying the memories of us together. I sat down at the table when somebody sat at it too. I looked up to see Ji-Yong.

" Sup, Little Miss Lee Hyeri " He shouted

" How did you know i'm a Lee? " I asked

" People said you and taehyung divorced. " He explained and I nodded.

" Yeah, so I work here now " I answered and he clicked his tongue

" I come here often, so i'll see you often " He exclaimed

" I'm so tired lately " I said as Jihyo brought the Tteok over.

" Then sleep. But I have to go. My group mates are waiting for Tteok " He said and I nodded excusing me. When I stood up somebody else came in screaming my name.

" Hyeri!! " I looked back and see Jimin and Jungkook.

" What are you guys doing? " I asked surprised. They went behind the counter and got aprons.

" We asked if we can be transferred here with you. " They said sending a sweet smile.

" Awww.. I love you guys " I said giving each of them a hug.

All three of us raced to costumers and did random things throughout the day making me less bored during work.

" Hey, where are you staying? " Jimin asked.

" My cousin's place, why? " I asked back.

" Oh, we were thinking if you would want to stay with us. I recently moved into Jungkook's place because my lease expired " Jimin said and I nodded.

" Did you guys ask my dad? " I asked knowing they did.

" Yup! " Both of them shouted.

"And what did he say? " I asked

" He said sure " They both replied and I nodded.

" Then sure " I said.

Again I packed my things, and Jungkook and Jimin helped me carry it to Jungkook's house.

Jungkook has Master room, Jimin has guest room 2, and I have guest room 1.

I walked upstairs to put my things away and came back down to make them dinner.

4 months later

My daily routine became normal, I would wake the boys up, cook for them, go to work, come back home cook for them, then sleep. It was simple but lots of hard-work.

During the the 4 months, my parents and us became very poor, because our company went bankrupt after my dad's death. The only thing that we could own was Tteokbokki Town, because it was paid by all the families together.

Our company was then changed to the Park Family Company.

~~ Taehyung P.O.V. ~~

" Seriously? " I asked angered.

" Yeah, maybe you were blinded by the fake love I gave you? " Minhwa said back with sass

" Pst, and to think I kicked out my wife for you piece of sh*t " I yelled

" Not my fault you were a dumb boy. Who told you to be so easy? " She yelled running up to get her stuff.

" All I did to her was because I love you. ! Am I even sure that kid is mine? " I shouted back.

" What do you think? Why didn't I name him Taecwon?? And all the things your wife did was because she loved you, but you were blind enough to not see all the amazing things she did for you " Minhwa yelled, taking out the divorce slip.

" Sign! " She yelled and I signed it.

" Now get out! " I yelled, She ran out of the door with our baby in her hand, as she headed to a car that was parked outside with a man in it. I threw the pillows and everything everywhere until I heard glass crash on the floor. I walked up to the picture and turned it around to see me and Hyeri..

I sat on the cold floor crying.

" I miss you so much.. I'm soo sorry. " I said caressing the photo.

I went upstairs to our room taking out the box under my bed that had our photos and our divorce slip.

The thousands of pictures that we took together during our time together wasn't enough. I need millions of them.

The picture during our wedding, when I vowed my whole heart to her but broke it in the end.

" Where are you Hyeri? " I cried out loud pressing her picture into my chest.

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