21. Feelings Change

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We all got home and Taehyung grabbed all my things out of the master bedroom. 

" Hyeri, sleep in one of the guest room, me and Minhwa will sleep together. " He demanded and I nodded, annoyed.

I took out everything and replaced them in my new room. Now my bed will be so cold at night, I'll no longer have someone to hug. 

A few tears dropped down my face, as I saw the cute picture of me and Taehyung from back in the day. 

When we were voted best Senior Couple and the cutest couple, when we were the couple that everybody thought would have a happy ending, it all was false.. because his feelings changed. 

As I was cooking, I saw how messy the living room. 

"Minhwa, can you vacuum the living room? " I asked and she smirked. Taehyung then yelled at me. 

" Yah, Hyeri! Minhwa is pregnant, you're not, vacuum it when you're done cooking. " He yelled and I flinched. 

" Okay.. " I said lowly and Minhwa smirked at me again. 

'How am I going to last? ' I said under my breath

5 months later

I became I guess a mistress of the house that I own. Every night would be me and Taehyung, but when I wake up, he is always with Minhwa. 

As I was walking down the stairs, Minhwa came up and bumped into me, making her fall onto the stairs. 

" Oww. " She groaned. I was confused but tried to help her up. 

" Are you okay?" I asked and she glared at me. 

"What happened?!" Taehyung asked furiously. 

" Honey, Hyeri purposely bumped into me." she lied and my eyes widened in shock. 

" Taehyung-ah, I didn't. I swear." I begged to him. He became confused on who to trust. 

" Taehyung, why would I have risked my life, if she didn't push me?" Minhwa convinced. 

" Taehyung, you know me! I would never do such a thing, you understand me. " I shouted. 

" Hyeri! SHUT UP! " Taehyung yelled slapping me in the face. " How dare you try to kill my baby! You freaking b*tch. I never want to see you ever again! " He shouted going to my bedroom then bringing all my stuff. He threw my things at me and pushed me down the stairs. " Let's divorce, i'm sick and tired of seeing you everyday you old hag. " he said in annoyance. 

" Taehyung-ah! I would never do anything like that.. " I cried. 

" Actually, Hyeri, you would. " He said. He pushed me out of the house then locked the door. I banged on the door asking for him to open it up for me. 

" Please.. Taehyung.. " I begged. He never opened the door, so I gave up. I got up and walked to Jungkook's place. As I knocked on the door, he opened the door smiling at me, until he saw that I have been crying. 

" Hyeri.. what's wrong? " He asked. 

" Tae-taehyung and I are.. getting divorced. " I said sadly. 

" Wait! Why? " He asked. 

" Minhwa.. " I said as tears fell down my face once again. 

He welcomed me in made dinner. As I smelt the food he was making, I begin to feel nauseous. I ran to the restroom and puked. 

" Are you alright!? " Jungkook asked, worried. 

" Yeah, i'm completely fine.. " I said wiping the puke. 

I went back to the living room and sat down. 

" So.. what did Minhwa do? " Jungkook asked. I begin to stare off into space, as I realized what had happened, replaying the memories in my head. 

" Everything.. she did everything.. every happiness she did was for Taehyung. " I replied trying to smile. 

" Does your parent's know? " Jungkook asked and I shook my head. 

" No.. and I don't think they should know. " I answered. 

" They are gonna know though. " Jungkook replied. 

" Actually, i'm thinking about moving to Busan. " I said hesitantly. 

" You want to go to my hometown? " Jungkook asked and I nodded. 

" I want to live there. " I answered. 

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