23. Broken Promises 2

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~~ Hyeri P.O.V ~~

" Get back down now! " Taehyung yelled threatening to hit me again.

" You think you're the only one who's upset? " I asked and he looked at me angered. " I spent every night alone in the damn cold bed without you like it used to be, I have none of your love, i'm never the one in your heart but I still do so freakin much to make you happy, you torture me and hit me every single day and make me cry but I still want you. but i've had enough. " I said as my lips trembled. " I'll divorce you, i'll be the one to make you happy and divorce you " I said and ran out the door.

I finally caught a cab.

" Where are you going? " The driver asked.

" XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Street , please? " I asked and he nodded.

I stepped out of the car and handed him the money I had on me.

I walked to the front step and dinged on my parents door bell. When my mom opened the door I crashed into her arms.

" Omo! What happened? " She asked looking at my arm cuts and bruises.

" Mom.. I can't take it anymore.. " I said crying into her shoulder. She walked me into the house.

" You can't take what? " She asked.

" I can't take Taehyung anymore.. I don't want to go back to him.. " I begged. My mom called my dad downstairs.

" Honey! Come down! " She yelled and my dad yelled back coming down.

" Wha- Hyeri! What's wrong? " My dad asked.

" Apa, can I have a divorce? " I asked and he immediately shook his head.

" Why? " He asked.

My mom pointed to the bruises and scars that were on my arm and face.

" Did Taehyung do this? " My dad asked and I nodded. " Then yes, divorce, nobody will ever disrespect my family like this " He said and hugged me tightly " You're with us now, you're gonna be okay. " My dad added.

2 weeks later

" We are here for the divorce of Lee Hyeri, and Kim Taehyung " The judge said.

After explaining the reasons and splitting the account ,it ended. I walked out crying and sniffling into my hand holding onto my stomach.


I was curious if I was pregnant or not, I walked out to the closest pharmacy then came back inside Jungkook's house. I quickly took the test

......... positive

I closed my eyes and opened them again, hoping that this was only a dream. I looked at my stomach, and began to cry.

end of flashback

I held my stomach in my arms.

" We'll be fine on our own, right? " I asked hoping my baby will respond. I bit my lip in frustration.

For the past weeks, I've been deciding whether I should tell my family or not. They will be angry, that Taehyung left me with his child in me.

When I finally arrived home they were cooking mackerel. I smelt it and felt like I was going to throw up.

I ran to the bathroom and puked in the toilet.

" Are you okay, sweetie? " My mom asked and I nodded.

" Yeaa " I replied softly

My mom left and I just sat on the floor of the bathroom.

" We'll make it through, just you and me " I said clearing my throat.

I walked out of the restroom and headed towards the couch. My mom then came and grabbed my hand dragging me upstairs.

" What's up with the vomiting? " She asked and I bit my lip.

" Nothing. " I replied

" Lies. Are you sure you're not pregnant? " She asked curiously

" Why would I now? If I was never pregnant for the past year. " I replied lying.

" Well, your symptoms are the same as mine " She said and I tried to look away.

" Let's get a test to make sure " She said standing up

" No, Eomma, it's okay " I said and she looked at me mischievously.

" Wae? " She asked

" Eomma.. i'm afraid. " I admitted. " I want to be a great mother to this child, but I don't think I can, if he/she doesn't have their dad " I said crying.

" Thank you for admitting, my baby " She said hugging me.

" What do I do? " I said in between the non-stop cries.

" I'll tell your dad " She said but I stopped her.

" What if he yells at me? " I asked afraid of my dad's expression.

" He won't " she said and headed downstairs. Later when I came down, my dad was there just blanking off into space.

" Dad.. " I said softly entering the living room.

" Why didn't you tell me? " He said nicely " If you told me, I would have been so much easier on you.. " he added regretfully

I jumped into his embraced.

" I'm sorry for being such a disgrace to the family.. I'm sorry for divorcing when I knew I had his kid " I finally cried out.

" Aniyo, don't be. You're the most bravest girl ever " My father replied hugging me.

After a bit of talking and deciding my parents decided that I will live with my cousin Jihyo, and work at Tukbokki Town for the time being. I agreed because I understood their intentions.

I packed up all of my things and headed over to Jihyo's house.


YAY! They finally divorced!!

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