My mate

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Beofre I start this chapter I would like to say rest in peace Bill Paxton. You stared in one of my favorite movies mighty joe young 1998.

Just a warning this chapter is going to get smexy really quickly so yea.

Leo pov.

Lyle is in for a big surprise today because I'm going into heat. I learned this when my mom burst through my door with "gifts" and lots of information.

M: mom
L: Leo

M: Leo this is going to be a lot to take in so pay attention.
L: Ok
M: Good, in every same sex mating pair there is a dominant and a submissive the submissive one will be able to bear cubs and go into heat once a month. During these couples of days the sub will have an uncontrollable urge to jump his mate. I'm telling you this because you are going into heat.
M: yes and I bought you a few things about submissives and there is a section on bears in there and a few "fun" things for you and lyle.
L: Mom that's nasty
M: You'll be glad I did it later.

She left my room after sitting all the stuff on my bed. The first thing I did was picked up this book. The title said Submissive shifters 101. The table of contents where from one to 200 page 150 being on bear. Flipping to this page I began to read.

Bear shifters go into heat at the beginning of spring  for a span of one to two weeks during this time it is very easy for the sub to get pregnant so protection is advise. The normal gestation period for a bear is 180 - 270 days (about six to eight months). Bears usually go into heat in the late spring and early summer. You can tell you are pregnant when you want to get close to you. Bears dig deans to birth thier cubs in. The mother will find a suitable place for his/or her dean where nobody will be aloud to enter even the father of the cubs.

This was a lot to take in but the information was solid. As I read I heard a knock on the the door.

"Come in"I said looking up from the book.

"Hey babe your told me to come over really quickly and that it was important." Lyle said walking into my room

At the sight of him I instantly got hard and my bear was fighting to get to the suface. I stood up and walked towards him dropping pieces of clothes as I walked. Soon I stood in front of my stunning mate fully naked.

"Leo are you ok." He asked while trying not to do me right then and there.

"I'm in heat lyle and I want you very badly." I moaned in his ear.

That's all he needed to hear because once the words left my mouth we were on the bed in a heated make out session. 

"You have to many layers on." I groaned as he kissed my neck.

He slowly began to strip out of his clothes taking his sweet time. But me and my bear had different plans. I quickly shredded his clothes with my claws.

"That's better." I said as I flipped us over so he was on the bottom.

I grabbed the handcuffs mom bought us and put them on him. This is going to be fun brody my bear said voice full of lust. I straddled him and swiggled my hips over his member getting a moan from him as he thrusted upward. I could wait any longer I positioned him towards my entrance and slowly started to lower myself.

I moaned feeling him fill me. I lifted up till only the tip was in then I slammed down moaning as he quickly entered me again. He quickly flipped us around again. He started thrusting in and out of me quickly. He pace quickened way past human boundaries. He thrust one more time before he filled me with his essence. I moaned as I shot cream everywhere. He pulled out and pulled me close to him.

"Can I mark you." He asked

I shook my head yea and he kissed the place between my neck and shoulder. Then he bit down sending an intense wave of pleasure shooting into my body. I shot one more time from this. Getting off of him I pulled him closer to me and drifted off to sleep feeling sated.

There you go I would like to know how I did comment your favorite part.

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