My Mate

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Thank you for everyone who has read my story so far.

Alexus's pov

I shoot out of my bed to into the bathroom. Uggh, morning sickness is bullshit Phillip better be happy I love him or I would beat the shit out of him. But for right now I'm hungry and yes hungrier than usual.

A slight kick in my ribs told me that the twins were hungry too. I stalked towards the kitchen to find something to eat. Opening the fridge I found some leftover panda express. I also found some fishsticks from the freezer. Lastly I grabbed a bag of lays barbecue chips and a box cheez-it.

Throwing the food in the microwave and getting a extra large bowl to mix the chips and cheez-its in. Thank god it was saturday because they didn't let you eat in class even if you're pregnant, (but that didn't stop me shit I need to eat.)

The microwave stoped so I pulled the panda and fish out and dug in. Halfway through all my food I heard a knock at the door then the dorr opening. The only two people I know who would just walk in my house like that is kiara and t'onna and just like I said both girls turned the corner into the living room. Kiara was heir to to the golden mane pride while t'onna was alpha of the thunder hoof herd.

"What y'all doing here." I said with a mouth full of food.

"We came to turn up since you went and got pregnant." Kiara declared

"Yep before you have to babies and be stuck at home." T'onna stated chuckling under her breathe.

"ALRIGHT I START THE MUSIC!!!!" I screamed running towards the giant speakers I keep up here.

What y'all didn't know about me is that I'm from the south. I listen to a little thing called new orleans bounce music and not bounce it biggity, NO that real beat. (Start song)

"OH SHIT THIS MY SONG." T'onna screamed

"HOLY SHIT LET'S GO." Kiara belted

How you dance to this music.

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