My mate

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Leo in bear form (picture)

"I got to talk to y'all." I frantically said to Alexus and squishy


"Ok to fill y'all in I just came out of heat. Me and lyle did mate and he did mark me but mostly I wanted to tell you that I'm pregnant." I said quickly but proudly as I showed my mate tattoo of a black bear with lyle's name under it.

"Finally I'm not the only one carrying cubs." Alexus said hugging me.

"I'm so happy for you two." Squishy exclaimed hugging me and alexus.

"But I don't think I'm ready or will be a good mama." I said


Having told the two people I knew could keep a secret I need to devise a plan on how to tell lyle he was going to be a father. But I know the brilliant minds of me, alexus, and squishy we could do it.

Meanwhile (in the kitchen)

"He's pregnant" lyle said suddenly causing jesus to choke on the food he was eating.

"Since when did you guys do the nasty?" Asked jeisen

"Well yesterday his mom called and said I needed to come over because he needed to talk to me. When I here he told me leo was going into heat and he would need my help during this time. That's the day when we mated and marked each other." Lyle said lifting his shirt sleeve to reveal the brown bear with leo's name under it.

"Well damn have y'all talked about it yet?" Asked jesus

"Not yet but I'll talk to him soon, but I'm just worried about what his dad will say." Lyle said.

"He'll be happy he's getting grandchildren." Iran said.

Oh and I have an announcement I'm pregnant too." Iran said as this time jason choked on his food.

"DAAAAAMMMMN I guess we all guess having cubs huh!" Alexus and Leo said in unison.

"Oops I guess the cats out of the bag." Leo said.

Well here is another character for you guys hope you enjoy.

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