My mate

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While Alexus and her friends turn up let's get back to lyle and leo.

Lyle's pov

I woke up at around five o'clock in the morning way before leo. After yesterday I want to do something nice for him. So I decided I'ma cook breakfast for him. I walked past a mirror and saw the tattoo you get when you mark your mate. On my upper right arm was a brown bear with the name leo in cursive under it. I walked to the kitchen nd tried to figure out what the hell I was about to cook.

Looking through his fridge and cabinets I found various meats (hamburger, sausage, bacon, and chicken), some cheese, pancake mix, eggs, and potatoes.

"Ok I could do a bunch of things with this." I said to myself

So I decided to make pancakes, hamburgers, various types of chicken(fried, baked, etc..) french frys, omelets, and have pitchers of juice. So I started cooking and playing my favorite bounce mix by messy mya(r.i.p). Cooking mountains of foods for a whole house isn't easy I don't see how my mom does it.

I was pulled out of my focus by hands grabbing me by my waist. I turned around to find my beautiful mate but he looked kinda off.

"You ok?" I asked of concern

"Morning sickness." He said

Shit I'ma have to take him to the doctor because he just might be pregnant. But if he is him and alexus should be having cubs around the same time.

"You hungry?" I asked

"Hell yes, you already know." He said face lit up like a Christmas tree.

I piled food up on the table and called everyone else to eat. First to show up was Max. He looked up at me while I looked at leo fill his plate to the brim. He then started to make coffee for him and his mate and fixed plates for himself, his cubs, and his mate. After finishing cooking the last of the food I fixed my plate.

"I cooked a little to much, I'm going to call the guys over to eat with us." I told leo

"Yaaaaay I get to see alexus and squishy." He said lighting.

Everyone showed up a few minutes after being called. Leo jumped up quickly and hugged squishy helped alexus fix her plate and yank both of them up stairs to his room.

Leo's pov

"I got to talk to y'all." I frantically said to squishy and alexus.

Ok that's chapter fourteen

What does leo want to say? Comment vote share

Told you, you could possibly be pregnant

No I'm not ready for cubs


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