My mate

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Alexus pov

"Shit I'm hungry." I said to no one in particular.

I happen to be up at the ungodly hour of four o'clock in the morning because the kids happen to be boxing with my insides. I feel like they trying to tell me to eat because I didn't eat after hearing that innocent Iran was pregnant. But as I said I'm up and hungry. I feel like I want breakfast but I want to be nice too so I'ma have a pregnant breakfast.

I called up leo and iran and told them to stay in their pajamas and that they mates could not know where they were going. I ventured down to the kitchen to start preparing foods. I pulled put sausage, bacon, cheese, pancake mix, various types of fruits, and juice lots of juice. As I plated all the foods I just prepared the door rang.

"Come in." I shouted

The door opened and revealed Iran carrying a stack of what looked like disney movies and behind her was Leo carrying boxes of dessert mix.

"I could've sworn I said breakfast." I laughed

"You did but we thought we could pull an all day type thing, you know breakfast and movies then junk food and more movies."  Leo said.

You see this is why I love my friends, they understand me and my stomach.

"Ok sounds like a plan, the food is done so let's eat." I exclaimed excitedly.

We stacked our plates sky high and picked a movie. Iran's taste in movies were awesome. She had horror films, disney movies, action and adventure, and suspense. The first movie we watched was Brother Bear because Leo really wanted to watch it.

As brother bear ended we watched the Saw series. Leo was not very good at watching scary movies. Currently he is holding onto me for dear life. We quickly finished and calmed leo down. It was about 5:00 pm when we finished the first round of movies.

"Ok let's start baking." Iran said

"Pregnant baking session." I said

"Hell yea!" Leo exclaimed rushing to the kitchen.

We baked so much shit that it could kill clifford four different times (sorry for that reference). We watched several more movies before we ended up going to sleep in the living room.

Some how going to bring a villain into this story. Give me some feedback on how you want him or her to come in. Love you guys.

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