Find him

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I was running through a weird swamp chasing after a black tail. I don't know why but I felt compeled to catch watch ever this tail was connected to. It was stubby tail like that of a bear. But this bear was huge I mean it was at least the size of three fyll grown men standing on each others shoulders.

"Slow down I just wanna see who you are." I called out

I had the feeling like it was trying to lead me somewhere; somewhere important Leo type important. It took three sharp turns and barreled through very thick bushes before it came to a screeching halt. I caught up to it not long after.

I padded up to the creature and I realized it was a gaint panda bear. I looked around us to get my bearings and came to the realization that we were standing in a circle of different bear statues. Some were standing on all fours, some were sitting, but only one was stnding on its hind legs and that statue was a panda statue.

The mystery bear had walked up to me while I was examining the statues so when I turned around it was right in front of me. I turned around and my nose touched it's and it startled me so much I stumbled back and fell on my ass.

The panda lifted one of it's giant paws and rested it on my forehead. I felt a tingle like if you move when your foot had fallen alseep and then I felt a quick surge of power.

"Hello my child I sense that something is troubling you amd your bear would you mind telling me what it is." A voice said inside my head.

"Well my mate was recently kidnapped and I have no idea where he is so I can find him." I stated a tad bit emtionally.

"It's ok my cub. I believe I can help you find your mate." She informed me

Me and my bear perked up wjen she said that. She lifted the same paw amd pressed it firmly to my head again. This time she looked straight into my eyes and her eyes started glowing.

"He is being held in an abandoned building on the edge of town, he is aafe for right now but idk how long that will last." She stated

Dropping her paw she stood up on her hind legs. Towering over me she realize and rattling roar as she melted into the swamp around us. Everything was going black and the last thing that echoed in my mind was;

"Wake up and go find your mate."

I sat up quickly panting and sweating. I grabbed my clothes and my phone and called tony.

"I know where Leo is." He exclaimed

How do you guys like the chapter. What is your thoughts on what Lyle just dreamed. Who do you think the mysterious panda was.

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