My Mate

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Leo's pov

I woke up to the annoying ass buzzing of a dying light bulb. I got a pounding headache and the bright ass room I'm in is not helping. From what I can tell the room is completely white with one door and no windows.

From the heaviness I was feeling, I could tell that I was strapped to the floor/wall with heavy chains. My eyes were slowly adjusting to the brightness to where I could actually see the chains. To my suprise the chains were pretty long.

"I hope my kids are ok and my mom, cause I know how he gets when one of us is hurt." I thought to myself.

Thinking of my kids made me think of lyle and man when I tell you that was a painful thought. Before I could sink to far into my depression, I heard a knock at the door. I let out a low growl as I was still a weak from the anesthetic.

Disregarding my growl in bust the weird as man who was hanging around my den.

"I see you're awake, good how are you feeling." He asked like he didn't kidnap me.

Sadly when something bad happens to us when we are shifted, we shift back into our human forms. So with as much vemon I could muster I said,

"Bitch how the fuck do you think I feel, you tranqed me and took me from my family."

He looked a little shook and I'm not going to lie that made me happy. But like I said he was giving out very bad vibes. Being a shifter I can get a reading on someone's feelings just from their smell.

I took a deep whiff and that told me all I needed to know. This man was crazy as hell. I don't know what exactly caused this but he reeked of desperation and craziness.

"So what do you want with me?" I asked

"Well to make a long story short I'm trying to prove that everything that we believe is myth is really not. Starting with the shapeshifting world and you're going to help me with that." He stated proudly

"Damn you crazy as hell huh." I exclaimed

That must have plucked a string because he looked a little ticked off. He took a couple menacing steps towards me until he was towering over me.

"Look here bitch, you lucky I don't kill your ass and that little family you got!" He growled

Now I'm a very peacful person but when you threaten my family you cross a line you never want to cross. I felt the shift coming on as the anger kicked in.

"Don't you ever threaten my family again!" I roared

My clothes shredded as I charged at him. He poked the bear, now the bear wants revenge. Too bad for me he had good reflexes and shot just out of the chains reach before I could claw his face off.

"I see that you need a little time to cool off." He stated

He waved his hand in a circular motion and in came a guard with what looked like a remote. I rose up to my full length and let out a guttural roar. My bear was out for blood; these bitches were going to pay. I swung my right arm hearing a thunk as one bolts came out of my restraint.

Before I could do it again the guard pushed a button and I felt electricity shoot through my body bringing me to the ground and knocking me out.

"Great now we got to move him to a more secure room with better restraints." Weirdo states.

Chapter 30 up

think this is going to get like four more chapters then I might write a sequel you guys tell me if that is something you would like love you guys 💕💓💗❤💚💜💙💖💞💘

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