I will prove they are real

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So I decided to just give our villain his own chapter. So be prepared for the evil overload.

Anon pov

"First off I want to thank you for allowing me to come before you and present my scientific research." I said

I was currently standing before the board of directors for the organization of research and discovery. I'm here to present a ground breaking discovery that could evolve science in a way no one could comprehend.

"Ok Dr. Benny is it, tell us of your discovery." The man in the middle said.

"I'm here to tell you about what happens when a human's DNA mutates in a certain way that would allow them to change their form into a predetermined animal, predetermined meaning it's passed down in the DNA, for example if my mom had the power to turn into a bear and my dad into a lion I would have a fifty fifty chance of being a lion or a bear." I explained

"That is the dumbest most made up thing I ever heard." One of them said.

"You don't belong in a lab you belong in a insane asylum." Another said.

"Get the fuck out here, SECURITY GET HIM OUT OF HERE wasting our time." The third one shouted.

Then two huge men bust through the door. They proceeded to drag me out of the building by my collar.

"I WILL MAKE YOU PAY FOR WHAT YOU'VE DONE YOU'LL REGRET THIS DAY!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

The two guards threw me out of the building onto the side walk all my papers flew into the street. They will regret not believing me Dr Benny Animus supernatural scientist. I will prove this even if I have to find a shifter and bring them here.

Hating the world I journeyed home shoving anyone who was in my way it was time for me to find these creatures and show people I was not crazy.

Ok guys there is our villain

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