Today's the day

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Hmmmm I wonder what today is. Let's see

Leo's pov

I had just woke up from a good ass sleep. I had been sleeping for a couple days which was strange because it wasn't winter so I wasn't supposed to go into hibernation for a couple of months. As I fully awakened I felt something crawling on my belly so I looked down and saw two very beautiful cubs. One looked to be a grizzly being slightly bigger than the other which looked to be a black bear. But I really couldn't tell right now because all they were was pink little balls of soon to be bear.

I struck me later that I had the cubs. After the realization the motherly instincts and extreme happiness hit me full force. I named my little grizzly Kenai and my beautiful black bear Mojha.
"LYLE GET YO ASS OVER HERE AS FAST AS YOU FUCKING CAN AND COME SEE YOUR BABIES and get mom and dad on your way." I screamed through the link.

"Ok.... HOLY SHIT I'M FATHER." He screamed

This is why I love that man he so fucking slow. It didn't take long for everyone to get here. Lyle and my family, Phillip with Alexus and their kids, and Iran with Jason and their kids (they had three cubs).

"Lyle tell everyone to shift and come in one by one but you first." I said

Soon the entrance to the cave darkened as a big figure lumbered in. Soon there stood Lyle with so much love on his face.

"Their beautiful." He said as he got closer

"Yep meet kenai and Mojha." I said pointing to the respective cub with my snout

Underlined= parents/family

"I love you so much."
"I love you too."
"I heard about that weird ass man who came to the den."
"Mom told you huh."
"Yep and I told my parents they said they'll keep an eye out."
"Ok tell them I said thank you."
"I will, who do you want to come in next?"
"Send in my parents and siblings."

Leo left and was quickly replaced by two lions and a variety of little cubs.

"Their beautiful just like their mom."
"Thank you."
"How do you feel."
"Hungry really hungry and tired."
"Ok we'll send the rest of them in and bring you some food later."
"Ok thank you I love you guys."
"We love you too."

They left and were replaced with the rest of my friends. They all awed and cooed at my babies. I was slowly falling asleep so with the help of Lyle we got everyone out in an orderly fashion. But before they left I caught the scent of hormones kicking into overdrive and it was only one person who this could be happening to.

"Jason get Iran to the house because them babies is coming and coming fast." I said

I know they heard me because four sets of feet started moving extremely fast.

Ok that's chapter 24 thank you for reading so far y'all tell me if I should write Iran giving birth.

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