Here we come

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Alexus pov

Lyle called me and filled me in on what has happened to Leo and in the fewest words possible I was pissed.  And no I didn't leave my cubs in just the hands of their father, I had my mom come over and help.

I was on my way to Toni them house as we speak. As I was flying through the forest I was joined two golems, a gorilla, two wolves, and tiger.

We burst through the bushes right outside the mansion. The doors opened and shifted while we walked in.

"Ok so what's the plan?" I asked

"Ok so we all know that the moon goddess herself came to me in a dream and told me where leo was. So I plan a kinda frontal sneak attack rescue thing." Lyle said.

"Ok so here is what we are going to do we need our two biggest people Jeisen and Jesus to go on a frontal attack to distract everyone." Stated Toni

"While me, Toni, and lyle go around the backto infiltrate the building and get Leo out." Stated Max

"The rest of you stay out of sight until the single is given that Jeisen or Jesus need back up we are trying to do this as clean as possible." Stated Lyle.

With everyone infomed of what they were supposed to do they were off running through the forest. Pushing as hard as they could to reach their destination. After running for about three hours and thirty minutes they came a upon and big black colored building.

It almost looked like a pack house with an evil twist to it.  The air around it had a slight chill and no bird dare make a sound around it.

Pushing aside the eerie feeling we got from the building we started to put our plan into motion and as if on que two giant creatures stomped into the clearing at the front of the building.

The larger one who I guess is Jesus was a very dark golem consisting of black rock with fire or lava holding them together. While the other was kinda see through like he was made of ice he had steam emanating from the cracks on his body.

In a quick motion Jesus lifted his arms and a giant chunk of earth shot out of the ground and floated in front of him and with a quick kick he shot it towards the building breaking various windows and denting the door.

Now Jeisen, he did something that surprised damn near everyone. He brought his arm back and shot it forward into what looked like a normal punch but when his fist stopped moving fire shot from his hand to the door in a steady stream till the door melted straight off the hinges.

An alarm went off and twenty to thirty soldiers ran out to confront the intruders.

"What the hell is that?" One of them asked having never seen anything like this before.

"Who gives a damn just attack them." Another one replied as he began to open fire on the two creature.

As soon as all the soldiers started shooting Jeisen amd Jesus I saw Lyle sneaking towards the back of the building.

Thank you for reading sadly the story is almost over. Thank you commenting and voting. Tell me what you would like to see in the next chapter.

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