Lyle's me time

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First let me thank all the people who have read my story in my opinion I kind of sucks but I'm glad people are reading and liking what I wrote.

Lyle's pov

I got a call from Toni saying that leo dug a den in the woods by their house and that we had to keep an eye on this strange man who had stumbled upon his den. All I hope is that this man doesn't try to hurt leo or my cubs or else he's going to have one angry papa bear to deal with. But while Leo is enjoying is time in nature I'm going to have some me time of my own.

First I guess I'll cook for my family because mom and pop deserve to be treated ever once in a while and you can't cook and not feed the younger ones so I'll cook for them too. I'm cooking pancakes, sausage, bacon, eggs, ham, something with cheese, brownies, and a strawberry cake. I think I'm also going to tell them that leo and I are having cubs.

Grabbing all my ingredients I started to cook. The smell of food was thick within the air and within seconds the family was in the kitchen drool dripping from their mouths.

"Hello family I'm just whipping up a few things, it's almost done go ahead and take a seat."

As the family took seats I put plates in front of them. Then in the middle of the table I put the food mountains of bacon sausage and ham, towers of pancakes, hills of eggs, three trays of brownies, and two cakes. I put cheese on the eggs and syrup in the pancake mix along with the syrup on the table.

"Since leo is enjoying himself I thought I'd spend time with you guys." I said as they filled their plates.

"Let me guess it has something to do with you and Leo." Dad said while stuffing pancakes in his mouth.

"Yea you two are going to be grandparents." I said nonchalantly.

Upon receiving this information both my parents put down their forks and looked at me. Two minutes later I was engulfed in a tornado of people and questions. Some being when are the cubs going to be here, why didn't you tell us earlier, and how long did I know. I answered as many questions as I could before I got hungry again. After a minute the family seemed to finally returned to eating. I wonder how Alexus doing.

Hello beautiful readers thanks for sticking with me.

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