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Lyle's pov

My heart is racing ten miles a minutes these bastards really came for me and my family. They got me fucked up if they think they bout to keep him. When I find the people who took him I'm going to jail for mass murder. They messed with the bear.

"How is Toni taking all this?" I asked Max

"Right now him and the kids are probably watching disney movies and eating the snacks that he hides in the room." He replied

I love how Max just knows how Toni reacts and what he does to deal with high stress situations. One day I hope me and Leo get to the point in our relationship where we know every single thing about each other.

"We'll find him Lyle just be strong." Max stated.

You'd think that being a bear I'd never have to be told to be strong, but right about now I feel as weak as ever. They really came and took my other half. As I sunk deeper into depression a ray of hope appeared in the form of a scent. The aroma smelled like alchol and desperation. It could only be that weird dude Toni told me about.

We had a scent now all we need to do is get our hunters and a few warrior to follow it and report back.

Sorry it took so long to get this chapter to you guys. But here it is.

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