Meeting the father

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This chapter is dedicated to QueenCakes22 because she keep telling me I need to update.

Lyle's pov

Omg I'm so stressed out this is the first date I have really had to plan. I want to make sure that everything goes right, we're supposed to be going to the forest to have a picnic.

I told him that I was going to pick him up at five and to make sure his parents know that he would be out for a while. My plan was to get him to actually acknowledge the fact that we were mates.  I was sweating bullets as the time went by. By time four thirty came around I had to take three showers and change shirts four different times.

Time jump 5:00

I pulled up to the gate of this massive white and blue house with purple here and there. The gate read golden savannah on it. I drove up through the gate and pulled up to the house. The name was familiar, I thought. Then I remembered when I was younger I heard my father saying that a member of this pride had found a baby bear cub in the forest  and took it in to raise as thier own. I chuckled because that is how they found me, I thought as I got out of the car.

I knocked on the huge double doors and a huge man opened the door. By his scent I could tell he was the alpha of the pride. He smelled like dominance, power, and coffee.

"Hello my name is Lyle Moon son of Scarlet and Jacob Moon future alpha of the Half moon pack."

I introduced my self the way I was taught by my dad. Before I knew it I was picked up into the air. I looked down and was met by the meanest, most terrifying scowl anyone could imagine. He unleashed a roar that shook the house and shook me to my core. My bear was even a little on the defensive after hearing that roar.

"What do you want." He said without lowering me.

"I'm here to take Leo on a date." I stated calmly.

The man looked like I just kicked his dog. The anger in the scowl he gave me was everything in the boyfriend's worst nightmare. The anger in air was so thick you could cut it with a knife (shout out to anyone who could guess the show that's from). In one quick motion he flung me across the yard into a huge tree.

"You think you are worthy enough to take my son out on a date." He growled as he walked towards me.

I know that this guy was the alpha and leo's dad but he had another think coming if he thought that I was just going to leave without seeing leo. I shifted into my bear and rose up on my hind legs. He chuckled then shifted into this huge lion.

His lion was nothing short of impressive the mane was huge black with little flecks of yellow showing he is in his prime. His muscles were defined and noticeable. He screamed intimidation. But I was not about to back down.

I was about to charge when I saw a flash of black, within the blink of an eye a male lion similar to him took up space next to the alpha, but instead of being a golden yellow like the alpha. This lion was a dark shimmering black. The black lion looked at the alpha then at me with an inquisitive look. As if understanding what was going on the lion rubbed its body under the alpha's chin; and you could see the tension ease out of muscles from the contact.

I took me some time but I finally realized I was looking at the luna and I dropped down from my defensive stance. Seeing how I was already out of line for challenging the alpha I was not about to risk my life challenging him and the luna for that is a death sentence. I took a submissive posture rolling over onto my back exposing my underbelly and neck. After the luna checked me over and approved, I shifted.

"I'm sorry for the way I acted, but you see leo is my mate and I just wanted to get to know him better if that is ok with you." I said calmly.

The luna shifted and walked towards me. I was yanked up into a bone crushing hug. The luna was the very definition of handsome. I mean he was no leo but he was good-looking.

"I'm glad you're here we've heard so much about you." He said as he pulled me to the house.

Well you guys that was that. Give me your thoughts comment. I'll be adding pictures of what the characters look like in the next chapter then after that I'll continue the story.

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