Rescue and Retreat

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Lyle's pov

Ok so step one of the plan was going really well almost everyone in the building was distracted by Jeisen and Jesus. Meaning it was time for me to begin step two of the plan rescue and retreat. I slowly made my way to the back of the building trying to be as discreet at possible.

In the back of the building sat a set of grey double doors. I raised up onto my hind legs and brought all my weight down towards the door causing the door to splinter under the force. I brought all my weight down hard as the door shot off the hinges.

I bolted into the door and up a flight of stairs.


"I'm glad your feeling a lot more happier today cause we're getting ready to show you to the whole world." Stated the doctor

"Yea like that's about to happen, tell me doc how do you want to die, you want your throat ripped out or do you want the classic mauling to death." Growled leo as his eyes started glowing golden brown

Trembling benny slowly backed up but stopped when he hit a wall. He ran his hand up the wall and thought that it was oddly furry and warm. He looked up and got a face full of teeth and black fur.

"Sweet grizzly of circus city, a black bear." He squeaked as he ran toward the other side of the room.

The black bear didn't seem to want to attack him, he seemed more interested in the boy chained to the floor. This was the most amazing thing that he's ever seen the bear was nuzzling the boy and the boy was whispering that he was ok. He guessed that the bear was a shifter too and that they must be mates. Puliing out his phone he started recording.

The bear hit the chains with paw and broke them out the wall. He then pulled the boy onto his back. As they headed to the door Dr. Benny knew that his research was about to come to an abrupt end. With the video and various hair samples he had collected he had enough evidence to expose these creatures. The bear was long gone before the doc opened the secret door in the room to make his getawat.

Lyle with Leo on his back made his way out of the building and into the forest and towards the house to Leo's room. The all the kids were having a sleep over and helping Phillip with the babies and everyone else were told to hold off on coming to Leo's room for the rest of the day.

Leo's pov

Finally at home I was suddenly pulled up into to room and threw on the bed. Lyle had shifted back as soon as I hit the bed and I already knew what was about to happen. A deep grumble came from hus chest as he atalked up the bed towards me.

"My big bad bear missed me huh." I whimpered as he kissed my mark and tattoo.

He ripped my clothes off in one move leaving me completely exposed and standing at attention. He lead kisses down my torso, past my belly button, and just above my awaiting member. He licked up the shaft and kissed the tip before taking me inside his mouth. I was a moaning mess before any of the real fun started.

He slid his head up and down in a really slow motion. Earning a moan every time my member hit the back of his throat.

"Fuck that's good." I moaned grabbing a fistfull of his hair.

He hummed sending vibrations all through me. This sent me over the edge and I exploded in his throat.

He was getting ready to enter me before I stopped him

"I'm not having more babies right now." I stated

"Its all good I got you." He responded pulling a condom out of the jeans that were on the floor

There we go Leo is back and in safe hands how are you liking the the story I believe that there might be one chapter left but I don't know.

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