My Mate

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Lyle's POV

"Babe calm down I'm going right now." I said as an hangry Leo screamed at me

I'm on my way to the store to buy cookies, pickles, eggs, bacon, and maple syrup because Leo and his cravings plus I think it is getting close to the time the babies are getting close to coming.

Pulling up at Walmart I went in to get the stuff. While in Walmart I ran into squishy aka Alex and Liz.

"Hey you guys how are you doing." I said

"Pretty good can't complain I see Leo got you shopping again." Liz said looking at the things in my basket

"Yea his cravings are driving me and him crazy but you gotta do what you gotta to for the ones you love." I said

"True true!" Said Alex

"But let me get back to him before he tears the house down." I laughed

"See you later and tell Leo I said hi." Liz stated

I went to the check out and paid for the groceries and was on my way home when I got a phone call.

"Hello." I said

"Come to the house quick Alexus is having the cubs!!!!" Phillip exclaimed.

Putting the petal to the metal I speeder towards Leo's house.

"BABE COME ON ALEXUS IS HAVING CUBS!" I shouted through the link.

"WELL COME ON!" He screamed back as he flew into the car.

Whipping the car out of the driveway I sped down the street dodging cars as I drove. I pulled at Alexus's house and bust through the front door. Everyone was there looking stressed.

"How's she doing." Leo asked

"She has had two cubs all ready and one more is one it's way." Phillip explained.

Four hours later

"Alright that's all of them get them cleaned off and attached to their mom." Leo explained to Phillip.

"Friends and family Alexus has given birth to nine healthy cubs." I informed everyone

Everyone looked happy and we all decided to spend the night to help Alexus out with things around the house.

"Everyone find a spot to sleep because she is going to need our help with all these cubs." Leo told everyone.

It was about twelve thirty and everyone was tired Phillip was already sleep and Alexus was resting from a day full of having birth. While Leo and I cleaned everything up everyone else went to sleep.

"Babe go get some rest." I told Leo

"But there is still a lot to do." He told me

"I know I got it you go to sleep." I said

"Ok see you in the morning." He said kidding me goodnight

After cleaning I went and gave Alexus some water and went to sleep.

Ok peoples that's chapter 19 tell me what you thought about what happen.

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