Chapter 4: Treason? Or not?

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Olympia was in Oona's lab, wanting to capture a villain with Oliver, but without Otis realizing:

"Oona, do you still have the face-changer-inator?"

"I have and I improved!" - Oona replied - "I heard that the voice is the same as the person now".

"Great, because you have to stay with my face ..." - Olympia said a little shy.


"I need you to pretend it's me, to trace a villain, and Otis can't find out!"

"Why are you going to solve cases without your partner?" - Oona asked, but meanwhile Olympia leaves and goes with Oliver - "And she already get away, then ok, I'll have to do then"

Olympia and Oliver go to a dark street with many strange noises.

"What was this?" Olympia asked in fear.

"It must have been a falling can or something ..." Oliver tried to calm Olympia.

"I should not have come without Otis, we're a trio, but it's going to be cool to do this mission with you, we can get to know each other better, to make missions easier, because Otis is not one of the guys that like to do a conversation, but we can talk, I think" - Olympia chattered a little.

"Well, I like to solve cases, French fries, and I mostly like to sing!" Oliver said a little about him.

"I also like to sing" - Olympia was excited - "Deep in the heart of the world..."

"Wow, we'll both be professional singers one day." - Oliver smiled.

While Oliver and Olympia are talking, a villain captures Olympia.

"Oliver!" Olympia bellowed at the hands of a giant villain.

"Olympia, I'll save you!" Oliver shouted in terror, picking up a rope and throwing it at the giant's feet, but the rope breaks.

"Oliver!" "That was the last word of Olympia, before it was taken by a giant and vanished into a fog.

Oliver tryed to open the tracking of agents by his watch, but in that area he had no clock signal, so his only option was to call someone from the Squad, and that someone was ... Otis!

"Hello?" Otis answered the phone.

"Hi Otis, I need you to come on the Avenue of the Genie Baby, the Olympia was captured!" Oliver said very worried.

"But Olympia is in Oona's lab!" Otis hesitated.

"Long story, but you have to come, quick!" Oliver warned him.

"I do not believe you, but if it's for some Odd Squad agent, I will!" Otis suspected, but he went.

When he arrived, he saw Oliver waiting.

"What happened?"

"A giant took Olympia to the fog, and I need your help"

"So the Olympia who was in Oona's lab ... was Oona?" Otis asked angrily.

"Yes, she and I wanted to solve a mission on our own, in fact, I wanted more, I found her pretty cool." Oliver was a bit embarrassed.

"Let me understand, you steal my place in the Squad, are you making excuses to take walks with Olympia and let her be captured by a giant?" Otis was angry.

"I didn't steal your place and I do not take walks with Olympia, she was caught because we were talking about ... singing ... and the giant came out of nowhere!" Oliver tried to explain.

"So we have to think about a plan! Do you know where the giants live?" Otis asked Oliver.

"I know! Come with me!" Oliver led Otis to the giants' home.

Some time later, when they got there ...

"Olympia, are you there?" - Oliver shouted, looking for Olympia

"Oliver, be careful!" Olympia tried to warn Oliver, but in the meantime a giant captured Oliver and put him in a cage with her.

"Otis, we're here!" Oliver shouted at Otis.

"I saw, wait a little!" Otis began to hide from the giants.

"Has Otis come too?" Olympia whispered to Oliver.

"To help me find you," he replied.

"So now he knows we ..."

"We're hiding for a mission? Unfortunately, yes, but we have to start working as a team, sorry to have put you here," Oliver whispered to Olympia, very sad.

"It's not your fault Oliver, it was really cool you called me to go on a secret mission" - Olympia was a bit embarrassed.

"I'll save you!" Otis shouted at Oliver and Olympia, as he turned away from a few stones, when he came near the cage, he opened them and freed them.

"Thank you, I love you guys!" Olympia spoke to Oliver and Otis.

"You guys? I saved her, not you!" Otis was angry and confused.

"But at least she love us." Oliver was happy.

After that, Otis, Oliver and Olympia returned to the Odd Squad.

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