Chapter 21: A Thief

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"Calm down, Ohany, it's our problem and we'll deal with it" - Otis said in a calm voice.

"No, Otis, Oliver, you are hiding something. You are going to tell me or not? You said we should stick together, so, prove it"

"I think we should tell her..." - Otis suggested.

"Ohany, Olympia, well..." - Oliver started talking, and looked at Otis - "We're dating!"

"What?" - Ohany got surprised, but tried to seem okay with it - "Why didn't you tell us?"

"We were uncomfortable, just waiting for the right moment" - Otis began to knock his feet on the leaves on the ground.

"Oh... I'm sorry, if I knew that what you were hiding was this personal, I wouldn't have put so much pressure on you...but wait, didn't you like Olympia?"

"Feelings change, and bisexuality exists, darling" - He answered.

"Guys, if you need any help, I'm here for you! You two are my best friends!" - Olympia tried to put a smile on their faces.

"That's fine... Anyways, let's keep walking, we may found something else here in the forest" - Oliver pointed to the long path in the forest that they would still have to go through.

Ohany and Olympia were in the front, and began to walk looking for anything suspicious in the trees and on the floor, wearing casual and dirty clothes, because they were the same that they had used when they went to the concert.

"I'm sorry Otis, I just didn't want to tell them about the real thing". - Oliver whispered to Otis, while walking some meters behind Ohany and Olympia.

"Oh okay, they just think we're dating, I'm glad that they didn't ask us to prove anything" - Otis answered. Right at that moment, he received a notification on his smartphone. - "Oh no, please don't be who I think it is..."

"What was this sound?" - Ohany looked back, worried, aproaching them.

"My phone... new message" - He took his phone, with his hands shaking.

"So, who was it? 'O', the person sending that messages?" - Olympia asked.

"No... it's a friend of mine... she said that my house got burned... and asked if I was okay"

"Your house got burned? Oh my gosh... imagine if we didn't  get out of there just exactly at the right time..." - Oliver frowned - "Did you take everything you needed?"

"Yeah... in my backpack I have some clothes, a bottle of water that is not cold anymore and a charger"

"And food? Did you bring food?" - Olympia tried to open his backpack quickly.

"Oh, how did I forget about it?

"You didn't bring food? Great, we're going to die!" - Ohany shouted to him, angry.

"Well, there are some options. Ohany, I think you're brave, would you... steal some money?" - Oliver said, while thinking in various ways that she could get some money.

"What?! Are you out of your mind?"

"Tell me another idea? Because I'm starving and I don't want to die! Unless you can go to your house and look for coins on the couch, or go back to Otis' burning house and pick a wallet! Besides, after we get some money in the right way, we get it back to the person"

"Ohany... If you need help, I'm going with you!" - Olympia exclaimed with a smile on her face.

"No, I can go!" - Otis  suggested.

"Guys, I don't want to put any of you in danger. I'll go alone."- Ohany dressed a black coat and a jacket that were in Otis' backpack - "Olympia, don't let them have that much fun"  - and ran to the city, outside the forest.

"Wait, did she mean..." - Oliver frowned.

"Yeah, yeah" - Otis interrupted him.

"Oliver, Otis, do you think...Miss O, Oona, and our other friends... are still alive?" - Olympia took off her glasses and wiped the lens.

"Actually, I don't know what to think, Olympia..." - Oliver lay down on the floor and said - "Hey, and if they are not alive, what are we going to do?"

"We're going to get revenge." - Otis stamped his foot and crossed his arms, with a gloomy look. - "I don't care if who burned the Odd Squad was a he, she, it, we are going to make this idiot pay."

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