Chapter 17: Hi, my name is Harry! But not.

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Otis just found out that Oliver's name, actually, was Harry, but anyways, he didn't even know why Oliver (I mean... Harry) was lying about his own name. 

"But exactly, why did you lie about it?" - Otis asked him, he just wanted answers.

"Well. First. Everyone I know here has a name that starts with 'o'. And second, I needed to investigate something" - Oliver replied, but kind of worried.

"Oh gosh, what kind of investigation?"

"I can't tell you about it right now. Can we just pretend this conversation never happened?"

"I don't think so. But I know something we can do. Do you know I'm into Olympia, right? So, I want to get closer to her. Can her partner?"

"I think Miss. O chooses this" - Oliver didn't think switching partners was a good idea, but he needed to, if he wanted his secret, to keep a secret. - "Look, Otis, I think we can be fine. I know you don't like me at all, but we could just... at least try to be friends?"

"Yes. But I still want Olympia to be my partner" - Otis said, with a smile on his face.

"Okay, let's talk to Miss O"

Oliver and Otis, now, were probably becoming best friends, even with all the drama they had in the past. Now, they were right in front of Miss O's room, asking her to switch their partners.

"Miss O. Otis and I had a conversation, I think Olympia could be working better if, she was Otis' partner. I can pick Ohany, no problem." - Oliver made a fluffy face, but inside he was almost begging.

"Are you okay with that, Otis?" - Miss O asked

"I'm more than okay with it!" - Otis replied.

Otis and Oliver now, switched partners. And it was good, actually. They walked out of Miss O's room and saw Olympia running off in their direction.

"OH MY PANDAS. WHY ARE YOU TWO SIDE BY SIDE? I thought this was impossible." - She said

"I think we're, becoming friends, you know?" - Oliver hugged Olympia.

"Yeah. But... Miss O thought me and you could be a better partnership. We could investigate together, and better, Olympia." - Otis said, with a bit of insecurity.

"Really? Oh no... But I stan Miss O, I'll do what she wants me to do. And Oliver, you're going to...?"

" Ohany's partner, actually." - Oliver continued

"Oh okay, I talked to her earlier, and she's AMAZING!" - Olympia was excited - "She loves pandas, also! Just like me! And she also loves Taylor Swift, the Twilight movies, watching videos on OddTube, drink hot chocolate..."

"Wait, did you say that she loves Taylor Swift?!" - Otis smiled

"Yes... is it a bad thing?"

"No, it's a great thing! I bought some tickets to her show tonight. There are four. You two, wanna come?" - Otis said excited.

"Of course!" - Oliver replied.

"YES! And I think we can invite Ohany too." - Olympia suggested.

Olympia, Otis, Oliver and Ohany were now in a Taylor Swift's concert. Dancing, singing along... but they didn't expected something.

While the Odd Squad...

"RUN! He's coming after us!" - Screamed Miss O


"BUT IF WE ALL DIE TODAY! Look, is it fire coming from that window?" - Orion was worried

And then, Miss O was missing...

Odd Squad: Otis SubstituteWhere stories live. Discover now