Chapter 25: I Can Explain

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- Wait, new message, you know from who. - Otis picked up his cell phone and read the message - Harry, if only they could know how guilty you are... --O - Otis got scared - Wait, Oliver...?

- Okay, guys, I can explain it all. – He answered.

- So, go on, explain.Why did you lie about your name? When we ask, you keep start talking about another thing. - Otis questioned with a furious look.

Otis pulled them into a corner, and began to explain.

- My name is Harry, yes, you know, and once I worked for another agency, for another squad. I did schematics and had logical thoughts, besides I could speak other languages ​​and my IQ was high compared to people with the same age as me. In that squad, I met some people, had some relationships, and I felt at home, because I never had one. I have this intelligence because I wanted to learn, so I read books on some subjects, but I stayed in school for only a short time, since my parents disappeared and I went to an orphanage.

- Wait, did you already date? - Otis interrupted him.

- Calm down, were you an orphan? - Olympia asked with emotion, wiping her teary eyes.

- Yes... continuing the story. I thought that squadworked for good, until one day I heard something unintentionally, and discovered that they were using my schemes for evil. This scheme of burning the squadron was all planned by me, for they made me believe that you were evil and I was only doing good, and I'm sorry.

- Oh... but then how are you helping us? - Olympia approached him.

- When I discovered this, I soon changed my name, and moved out of town, but it didn't seem to work. I wanted to be good, and as I met Miss O's partner in the library a few years earlier, I already had some contact with Odd Squad. I asked to register, and I became an agent, now called Oliver. So I became your partner, I did some missions and I dedicated myself to work. But now that squad knows that I'm working for you, and everything is getting ruined because of me. I loved being your partner. I started having a crush on you, Olympia, but Otis liked you too, and I did not want a rivalry. But I ended up getting closer to him and I discovered that, Otis, you are incredible, sorry if I did something bad in the past. Now, I don't know what I want, but I know I love you both, please forgive me. - Oliver stopped talking, tears streaming down his face, sobbing.

- It's okay, we love you too, and Ohany too. - Olympia hugged him for a while and walked away.

- Oliver, you don't have to apologize. - Otis hugged him for long seconds, the two of them were thrilled, sad, confused, until they looked at each other, and ended up touching their lips, but then they moved away.

- I saw what I saw? - Olympia laughed, even with tears on her face.

- Hum what? - Oliver pretended to be disoriented.

- We'd better not repeat that - Otis whispered in Oliver's ear.

 - I'm sorry, it was impulsive, but doesn't mean that it wasn't good - Oliver whispered back to him. Otis got confused.

- Guys, you know I'm here right? No need to whisper, nothing will change our friendship.  - Olympia smiled. - But stay focused on Ohany! We already know that our "O" is a young girl!

- Harry, or rather... Oliver, do you remember any girl in that squad that fits the description? - Otis asked nervously.

- Actually, most people there were over 15, I was 13, as I said, my IQ was high. Now everyone is already over 17... or 18, and I'm 15. I would not consider them as young as the man said the girl was. The only person my age was Selena, she must be 15 now, but she and I... we were very close, I don't think she would harm me - Oliver said. - But I'm not going to get her off the list of possibilities, after all, people can disappoint us.

- Yeah, but if it wasn't her, it would have to be Odd Squad, she would never have guessed we'd have a double agent. - Otis was thoughtful.

- Hey, Otis, remember when you almost threw Agent Oscar into a pool of gravy because you wanted to be the deputy leader of the squad? Good times, good memories, I miss him...  -Olympia smiled.

- I remember, unfortunately, at that moment my ambition dominated me... - He replied. - Calm down, why are you remembering that?

- Oh, I don't know, I just wanted to laugh.

- Calm, ambition, you were dominated by ambition! - Oliver exclaimed.

 - I know, I'm sorry, you don't have to keep reminding me. - Otis said, a little annoyed.

 - No... ambition sometimes makes us impulsive, and if someone from Odd Squad wanted Miss O's job, she tried to set her in the fire to take her place, but did the plan go wrong?

 - I'd like to know where your crazy, genius ideas come from. - Olympia adjusted her glasses.

- Oh, my brain. 

- Oliver, you must be right! But who would be so ambitious as to burst and burn? - Otis questioned, with a serious look. And they heard the notification sound coming from the cellphone again. The message was: "Me! -O."

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