Chapter 5: New Partner?

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After all the confusion of being caught by a giant, Olympia had received the news that she should choose only one partner to assist her in the missions, so she wanted to find out more about Oliver and Otis.

"Oliver, do you put the alarm clock on what time?" Olympia asked Oliver first.

"About seven o'clock, I have to get to the Squad early," Oliver replied.

"Do you like to do bungee jumping?"

"Stay between us, I'm a little afraid," he replied.

"And ... if you had a best friend, and she had to choose between you and another person, and she chose someone else, how would you react?" Olympia said, a little embarrassed.

"I'd be a little sad," Oliver was suspicious.

"It was really cool to have talked to you, Oliver!" "Olympia went talk to Otis.

"Hey Otis, do you put the alarm clock beeping what time?" She asked Otis.

"I do not use the alarm clock," Otis replied.

"So, you do not use an alarm clock to wake up?"

"No, I only decide when I wake up and I... wake up. Of course, sometimes I press the snooze button"

"Next question, would you like to do bungee jump?" - Olympia goes to the next question

"Of course!" Otis replied.

"And if your best friend had to choose between you and someone else, and she did not choose you, how were you going to stay?

"I would get angry, maybe ..."

"Okay, thanks for responding!" - Olympia thanked and went in a room, to think and stay a little alone.

"Will it be difficult, my friend since I got into the squad that helped me, or ... a nice and pretty new friend?" - Olympia was thinking - "I know, I'll ask the opinion of the other agents!"

Olympia went into the room of Oona and Oscar, and asked:

"Who do you think should be my partner, Otis or Oliver?"

"Why?" Oona was a bit worried.

"I'm going to have to choose between Oliver and Otis, only one can be my partner" - Olympia was sad.

"Well, I would want you to stay with Otis, he's a great friend!" - That was Oscar's opinion

"I think Oliver is very nice, he must be a great partner," Oona replied.

"All right, thank you!" Olympia was left just with more doubts.

"Olympia, come here already!" Shouted Miss O.

"What was Miss O?"

"Have you decided who will be your partner?"

"Not yet, who do you think is best?" - Olympia asked

"I can not comment on Olympia, but think about it, someone you think will be your friend, and that you can understand each other, because I can not take any more complaints from the other agents!" Miss O answered.

"I'm almost deciding, Miss O!" - Olympia said - "But before, tell me ... This song is good: Deep in the heart of the world..?"

"Hum, I've heard a lot, I can say you have to focus on choosing your partner!" "Miss O did not want to answer.

"I think I've decided, and who I want to be my partner is ..."

Odd Squad: Otis SubstituteWhere stories live. Discover now