Chapter Five: Mondays Attention

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I woke up when my alarm ticks by 8:00 in the morning. I did my daily routine and fixes my bag.

I still didn't meet Kylie this past sunday so I stayed at the hotel for the night.

Gigi's going to drop by here and go to school with me. For safety as she said, so I waited to her reply if she's at the lobby.

It's already 8:55, five more minutes the class will start. Where the heck is Gigi? I don't want to wait at the lobby. What if paparazzis is there?

After a few seconds. My phone buzzed but I didn't intend to look at it because I know it's already Gigi since she's very almost late.

I got out and locked my hotel room. I entered the elevator and waited to go to the ground floor. As expected, paparazzis are crowding outside. The fuck?! Are they going to stalk all day? My phone started to ring and so I answered the call without looking at the callers ID.

"Gi? Where are you? We're going to be late" I dissapointedly said. I'm starting to hate this day because of the paparazzis.

"Sorry love, Gigi's not coming so I'm the one who's going to pick you up" A familliar british accent answered me. The line went dead and after that, someone taps me in my shoulder. I turn around and saw the lady who I'm talking to just few second ago.

"Hey" I kiss her cheek as that's what friends do, right? She kiss my cheek too and smiles genuinely at me. Seems like she woke up at the right side of the bed.

"So I have to be a security" she chuckles, and I swear to god. That's the most cutest chuckle I've ever heard.

"What? Why?" I asked confused. She turn her head at the door and looks back at me.

"Well, that paparazzis might hurt you, so I have to protect you, get it?" She moves her shoulders up and down. I smiled to what she said. That's sweet.

"Let's go?" She asked. I nodded and follows her at the door. The guards are already blocking the paparazzis to come up to me. I know paparazzis will still push themselves so it's no use.

We got out and the crowd is starting to get wild. I felt someone wrap their arm at my shoulders and tried to protect my head.

"Just bow your head" I look at my side and Cara was doing it to me. She guided me to go in the shotgun seat and she walks to the other side. She entered and breathed deeply.

"That's wild" she smirked. I mouthed 'Thank you' at her and she nods. She drive to school. I look around the car that I guess it's hers. It's a cruiser, a black and white cruiser. She got a good taste.

When we arrived. She parked her car and jump off and ran over my side. She opens the door for me and said a little 'Thank you' again to her. Right after that, the school bell rang. Just in the right time, Jenner.

The students were gathering. I look at Cara who seems very busy at her phone, then suddenly grabs my wrist and pulls me to their classroom? I think so. She knocks and got the whole attention of the students in there.

"Um, excuse Mr Perez" Mr Perez shifted his sight at Cara's. He smiled.

"Oh, Miss Delevingne. What a pleasure. It's the first time you intended to care when entering the room" ohhh that's savage. So Cara's really a bad ass? I thought Gigi was just kidding the day that we're at my hotel with Cara.

Cara shrugs and entered the room. Well, duh she forgot me. I follow her at my sight and finally she looks back at me. She nodded at me, gesturing to come in. I walk in silently but the class are literally following me with their eyes. I guess they can recognize me. Of course Kendall

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