Chapter Thirty-Nine: Last Night

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They were on their way to their first stop which will take thirty minutes on ride plus the traffic that we can't expect. And it will be a long way drive for the others so they settled still and make themselves comfortable inside the SUV.

Eventually Cara was sitting between Kendall and Bella awkwardly to the fact that the group let them to sit on each other side purposely, and for clearer informations. The girls was the actual persons behind that idea since they had felt the tension earlier.

The three of them were sitting at the back of the SUV as the girls had planned. So the two ladies could talk and be comfortable, more privately and to not seek an attention as what the girls said. Well, they put Bella beside them considering that she knows everything what's been happening to Cara.

"You could have been on his bed right now" Kylie teases Gigi who gave Kylie a disgusting look caused by how Kylie said the sentence. Kylie was referring about the guy who wanted to hit Gigi up but failed because Gigi was not in the mood to hook up. Though she's sure to herself she find the guy who she wanted.

"God Kylie, you should be the one who could have been in someones bed right now" Gigi fired back as she was grinning at Kylie mischevously, talking about the guy who literally push himself on Kylie last night in the club. Gigi, knowing Kylie was wild at events like that, she clearly can expect Kylie doing the guy. As much as it's really sound so disgusting, she can't help herself to laugh along with Gigi.

Kendall was watching Gigi and Kylie annoying each other while an unbelievable look was plastered on her face. Last time she checked, Gigi and Kylie never ever can get along with each other and now seeing how this two make fun of themselves was fanciful to picture.

Do I really missed a lot of happening these years?  Kendall thought while watching the others laugh because of Gigi and Kylie's conversation. She smiled at the sight and sooner felt intimidated by someone's eyes are looking at her. Her smile turned into a nervous one as she was so sure that the blonde girl beside her was giving those looks.

Kendall heard the girl let out a heavy sigh that caught her attention to shift her head onto Cara, who was now leaning her head back on the seat settling herself to relax her body and closes her eyes trying to take a nap for minutes as the thought of Kendall keeps running through her mind since she woke up.

She can't even focus on something else but on Kendall. She was attempting to look at Kendall and was expecting the brunette to look back if ever she notice it but as Cara tried it a lot of times this morning until now. Kendall didn't, atleast just one time.

The car was still filled of laughter and banters as Kendall enjoying what she was watching and Cara on the other hand was now sleeping unconsiously. Kendall couldn't resist to take a glance over the sleeping blonde considering that this is one of her favorite state of the older girl. She expected to just steal a glance but instead she found herself staring at the girl.

She snapped out of herself feeling that she might look so creepy with what she was doing. Kendall then just look outside through the window getting lost on the buildings and structures. A few seconds inside got silent and more peaceful.

Feeling a slight weight putting against the brunettes shoulder. She turn to look on what is it, greeting herself by the blondes head on her shoulder slowly and completely sliding on her shoulder. She looks up to check if Bella was looking at her but fortunately, Bella was in the middle of her own bubble while an ear plugs was on her and was slouched her back on the seat, not minding everyone.

She thought that the others just keep down the noise because of how the ride taking so long and she's sure that maybe they were getting sleepy by the ambiance inside.

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