I've been taken

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My heart pounds in my ears and the sound wakes me up from my drift less slumber. I blink and find that its pitch black. The darkness is overwhelming... frightening. It feels like a huge black hole that's going to swallow me up. That has already swallowed me up.

I swallow down the bile that's started inching its way up my throat and I blink again, In hopes of light appearing, But It doesn't happen. I go to reach up but A cold metal object Digs into my wrist and I immediately let my hand fall back down.

What the hell Is this?

I Try my other hand, then my legs. I'm... trapped. My breathing picks up as My body trembles in fear and confusion. I don't understand... is this a joke? I bite my lip and tug at the cuffs again determined to free myself but the pain is too much so I relax, leaving my hands to flop back down. I dig my fingernails into my palms and shake my head. What The hell is all of this?

Tears start building up in my eyes, Tears that I cannot stop. They slip down my face and Onto my chest. What is this...

Where am I?

How did I get here?
Is anybody going to help me?

Will I Get Home Safely?

So many questions are piling up in my head, but I have answers for none of them. I wiggle around some more and A sharp pain hits my side. I whimper and then completely stop moving. This is so fucked. I Try and adjust my eyes to the darkness, but its useless. Its just too dark.

I start wiggling around, trying to see If My side is injured severely, when I hear a muffled noise. I freeze and then stop moving. I stare into the darkness with wide-eyes not even knowing if that was the area where the noise came from. For all I know, I'm looking at the damn wall.

Then I hear it again. Maybe it's help!

I get over exited and wait for them to come. Surely they will explain this whole thing and this stupid joke will end. But that doesn't happen.

The only thing that does is him.

The door opens, Shining the brightest light I've ever saw in. It momentarily blinds me and I close my eyes, squeezing them shut, Then I open them again and blink rapidly Until The blurred outline of a person turns into a guy.

The grey V-neck he's wearing hangs loosely off him, The front part messily tucked in his Dark Denim jeans. His brown hair Hangs crazily all over, Giving him A badass image. Quite frankly, I don't like the way he's staring me down Like I'm a gazelle and he's the lion...

He walks over and from the lack of noise I hear, I know that he has no shoes on. I start freaking out when He grins and says, "good. You're awake. Now We can play. " He eyes my body and I squirm around, Noting that I still have on my soft black shorts and white t-shirt on from whenever I had went to sleep in it...Before this happened. I pull on the chains and Start shaking violently As his finger lingers on the hem of my shirt.

"What are you doing, Get off of me! " I squeal as He slides my shirt up slowly, Revealing my hips, then my stomach and soon he's right below my chest. I shiver when Cold air Brushes over my bare, exposed skin. He grins and says, "Now you need to shush your pretty little mouth, Or I'll be forced to shut it for you. " His voice is soft, But I hear the anger forming behind it. It's menacing. My lips tremble as Tears flow down my cheeks.

"Stop!" I scream as He sits down on the bed, Next to me, His hand pulling the shirt over my head, But its not fully off since I have the cuffs on. I pull on the cuffs and Whimper as He looks over my chest, My bare chest.

"Stop, Just please Stop!" I cry pulling on the cuffs roughly, making the metal cuffs scratch at my wrists. "I'm just having some fun. Don't worry, We won't get down to it until I feel like it." He grins and Traces his index finger around belly button.

"Let Me Go! "I shout raising my knees up.

"Or maybe I do want to do it now, Its all the way you act. " He says roughly pinching my nipple. I squeal and jump slightly.

"You fucking bastard, Get off of me!! "I whine.

He leans down and brushing his lip against my ear, He whispers, "Why don't we do it now?"
I let out a whimper And His hands glide down along the side of my stomach and legs.

Oh no.

I feel him grin as His tongue slides agonizingly slowly down my jaw.

What did I get myself into?

I've been takenWhere stories live. Discover now