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He stands up and unbuckles his belt, watching me the whole time. With tears rushing out of my eyes, Everything is blurry. I'm helpless, I don't have a say in anything and I Hate that He's ruling over me Like a sick god..

I squirm around and wriggle in the cuffs. His pants are off and He's pulling his shirt over his head. His lean upper body only adds on to the fear That I have of him. Shaking and sobbing I can see that Determination is written all over his face. I feel his hands on My hips and I Wiggle around, Trying to Prevent him from getting any closer. His hands dig into my hips and I immediately stop and cry out.

"Pl-pleassee stop! "  I sob, Gasping as He slips onto the bed, Hovering over me.

I stare into His Frightening, Smoky green eyes as He Looks down at me and slips my pants down below my knees.

"Please." I whisper, But My pleads mean nothing to him as He slams into me. The feeling weird and indifferent as I scream out in pain at the weird pinching feeling deep inside me. I hate it. I hate every moment of it and He only makes it worse by panting in the crook of my neck. His breath is hot against my neck, compared to this chilly little room. I sob harder as His thrusts get rougher and more sloppy. I feel Him tighten, Stiffen, And then He gasps out a jumbled,"Fuck."

I'm shaking, But Since I have no tears left, I'm left Staring into the ceiling, Naked and bruised inside and out. After he's dressed again He leans down and whispers, "Now Maybe you want to watch your mouth before you go saying anything, baby." He grins devilishly, and Licks his bottom lip before turning and disappearing behind the door.

I stare into the blank ceiling for who knows how long. Seconds..Minutes..Hours..Even possibly days. I Feel weak and Drowned of any power. I hunger for food and water, But I'm way too weak to yell. I can barely even talk. My stomach grumbles for the fifth time and I groan, Letting out a strangled cry. Does He even remember me? The girl he kidnapped and fucked? No-raped!

Maybe I'm that non-existent, That He doesn't even remember He kidnapped me. I can't even stand The pain going through me. I feel torn and worn-out. Just everything in me feels horrible. I try my cry again. Not knowing his name I yell, "hello? Are you out there? "

I don't even know if I made it past a whisper. I lay there Staring at the door, hoping, Praying He will come and take pity on me. But why in the hell would he do that?

I don't know, Im just begging he will. Hoping he'll be nice enough to give me something to eat. I don't even care at this point in time, I just need something to put in my stomach. I hear a creaking noise, A door, Somewhere beyond this one. I hear padding, Feet. He's coming. I would Be frightened any other time, but right now I'm holding on to the cuffs, Giving thanks to any thing that reminded him that Hey, You kidnapped a girl and she's currently dying away in some Little room. Anger piles up into me but I force it to hide away. I can't show any hatred towards him. He already showed me What he can do, But I'm betting there's worse things.

 The door cracks open, then opens fully. I swallow seeing him. His hair is tousled and His green eyes are darker. He has slight bags under his eyes and His Black regular t-shirt and Sweats make him look Like He just got up, Which, He most likely just did. Maybe My calling wasn't a whisper. Maybe it was louder then I thought it was?

He raises an eyebrow at me and Walks over.

"I'm guessing your hungry. " He says almost grinning.

I scowl. "No duh, Asshole. " I say.

His eyes flicker and I see the muscles in his arm flex and In a hot second His hand Is whipped from his side, to my cheek, Hitting me hard and making my head whip to the left. I whimper and Pull against the cuffs.

"Don't get bitchy with me, Or I'll whip the shit out of you." He growls. When I look down and Let a tear dribble down my face he says, "Are you done with your smartass comments? Or do I have to show you what real pain is?"

I shiver at his words.What real pain is?

I can barely handle this and there's worse pain?

He sees the panic on my face and with a cocky attitude says, "that's what I thought, Now I'm going to uncuff you, Make a move and I swear I won't hesitate to Beat the shit out of you with my belt."

I shake violently as He uncuffs me and Grabs my elbow, Leading me out of the familiar room. We walk down a hallway and Some stairs. The house itself isn't a dump, Maybe just my room? He leads me down an open room and then finally into a kitchen. He sets me into a chair and I set my shaking hands in my lap, Staring at them while He moves around the kitchen obviously preparing me a sandwich of some sort.

After a short while He sets a turkey sandwich and A glass of juice in front of me. He moves over to his chair on the left of me and Eats his as I take bites of mine, slow and small though. For some reason though, Being this close to him makes me not even want to eat. I finish my sandwich and He grabs his plate and mine, Going over to the sink and washing them. Its been a couple seconds and with my little energy, I can't help but Stare at the kitchen doorway...He's taking his time washing the dishes. Maybe I'll just..No..I can't but..

Screw it.

I take a chance and Stand up silently, Then tiptoe to the doorway. But just as I reach it, He Just now decides to glance over his shoulder at the chair I was supposed to be sitting in.

His eyes turn furious and He slams the dishes down, cutting off the water, turning his angry glare at me.

I gasp and step back slowly, Him the predator and I the prey.

"Now you've done it, Goddamnit." and With that I run out into some unfamiliar room, I move quickly running into a room and I run into something hard.

I feel for a switch and then find one, switching it on.

I frown, Seeing that I've just Got myself into a load full of trouble. Because I just walked myself into a goddamn bathroom.

Perfect, Emma. Just perfect

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