Blood, sweat and tears.

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Thunder claps somewhere beyond the clouds and lightning accompanies it by Lighting up the sky every two seconds. I can hear it loud and clear and The sky looks horrid, yet beautiful all at once. The sky is a dark purple with swirls of orange and pink here and there and It's pouring down rain. Everything is dark and I can barely see as I trip through tumbles of grass and wheat and thorn bushes. I feel itchy and sticky and I'm aching and I just want to scream, fall down, give up and die. But I shouldn't... Or should I. My toe grazes something hard and sharp and I whimper, but continue running. I'm bleeding, I know it. I swallow the rain that has gotten into my mouth as I continue to stumble forward. It's almost like a game. My goal is to make it out of the weeds without killing myself.

Suddenly I hear Something. Something loud, a snap.. a pop? I slow down and almost slip on the mud. I stand on my tiptoes looking over the wheat. I see flashes of brighter light, More yellowish.. it's flashing. One.. Pop.. Two.. bang pop... I gasp as the third one fires. Then I hear screaming, shouting, yelling. Everything. I hear sirens. I hear honks and horns and Beeping. 

Suddenly I know just what's happening. The police. Are here. They found him. They found us. My heart shudders and My skin tingles. My whole body goes rigid as I see five more bright lights flashing. I stare at the house then look over for the source. I see three black dots behind some bushes in the front yard. Not knowing what the hell I'm doing, I stand there.

Maybe It's better this way..

Maybe This is good. Yes. It is good. A bad man is being put away for bad actions. That's good. He need to be put away in places for men like him. Everything will be fine. But then I hear a gunshot and glass. Fuck it. And I hurl myself out of the weeds and I run through the backyard, Working my legs as fast as possible in hopes that the police don't see me and shoot me...

I reach the back door and tug.And tug and tug and tug and tug..

Frustrated I scream and slam my little fist on the door. "Fuck!" He locked me out.

I kick the door, frantic and angry. Emotions are just everywhere with me, I'm a mess.

I turn and grab a rock on the ground. I grunt and balance it on my hip as I shuffle back over to the door. I arch my hands back, the rock in my hands and I fling my arms over my head, The rock flying out and over to the doors window. It smashes and I quickly work my way over to the door. Pieces of jagged glass stick in the window so I use my palm and Knock out the big pieces that could potentially harm me. Then finally settling on my work, I grip the pane of the window and Lift my tiny leg over it, my thigh resting uncomfortably on the window pane. I jump a couple of times and launch myself through the window, getting some very ugly looking gashes in my thighs and elbows.

Getting up from the floor I turn and duck as a Quick, scary flash of lightning flashes through the sky. I quickly run out of the room and Into the living room. The couch is turned over and the coffee table is smashed against the wall. I stare breathlessly at the mess. Well it sure as hell wasn't like this when i left.. 

I step over the broken mess and Walk into the kitchen to see everything, everywhere. It was a catastrophe. Plates were smashed to bits, spoons were bent and strewn across the floor, Knives were plunged into the wall, pans were all over the counter, the Whole fridge was thrown over so It's currently laying on it's side. The tap to the sink was literally ripped out and it's currently laying on top of the stove. Every single one of the cupboards were ripped off of their hinges, leaving them all open. All the items in the cupboard were thrown somewhere in the mess of the kitchen and each picture that was once hung on the wall has been flung off, leaving the nails to sit there in the wall. The place looked horrid. And the only person I knew that could possibly do this was Ryan. No one else was here anyway, unless you count the cops who are currently outside shooting at the house. 

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