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I lay there and nibble at the corners of my nails, staring blankly at the wall. I woke up twenty minutes ago and ever since then I've just been staring at the wall across from me. I was still in the hallway, and ryan was nowhere to be seen. I havn't looked for him but I don't want to anyway. I lick my dry, cracked lips and breathe through my nose. After Arguing with myself whether or not I should actually get up off this floor and search for Ryan, I finally Choose to just sit here. I don't want to see nor speak to him anyway, especially after his outburst last night. I sigh and look down at my dirty feet, my nails outgrown and chipping. I shake my head.

I sit up finally getting bored of sitting here and pitying myself. I stand up and wipe my sweaty palms on my legs. I walk down the hall when I hear muttering. I peek behind the wall.

Ryan's sitting down on the steps that lead downstairs. His heads in his hands and He keeps muttering something over and over again. He runs his fingers through his hair and I shuffle closer to hear. Still, nothing. I tiptoe forward and that's when a loose floorboard squeaks under my weight. Ryan's sudden jerk makes me fall back and I trip, landing on my butt. Shit. I stand up and flip myself around, running down the hallway. I look either way and Push on a door, resulting in it flying open and me falling through.

I shut the door and scoot in front of it, catching my breathe. What the hell am I doing. It's not like he's going to think it was anyone else, and he's going to find me sooner or later. I grunt, damn me and my nosiness.

I stand up and run my hands along the wall, switch... switch.... where are you ..

My finger glides along something and before I know it my finger stings and I jerk my hand back. Great, I cut my finger, but on what ? What the hell is on the wall. I feel around the area and then gently poke at the area until I feel it. It's a knife.

What the fuck is a knife doing on the wall....

I blink.

I move to the right and feel around more, jingling. Then it hits me. This is the torture room....

I step back and my foot hits something causing me to cry out in pain. Holy fuck this place is filled with torture even when it's not intended. I lift my foot up and grab the back of my ankle. It's bleeding. I let it back down. I need to get out of here. I slip down onto my knees and hands, crawling around and feeling the floor, hoping this will prevent me from any future accidents.

I feel the wall, I move left, I feel cold metal, I move back, the wall. I don't know where I'm going anymore and I lost my way. I bang my head against something hard. Damn it. Something grips onto my hair. what the fuck. I got my hair stuck in something now, great. I tug my head down and My hair pulls at my scalp. I whimper. I got myself all fucked up now. I sit up and undo the tangled mess.

After awhile of sitting there I finally get it all sorted out. I stand up and choose to just walk wherever I think the door is. Suddenly I hear a click and light pours in, blinding me. I put my hands up, shielding my face from the blinding light. A hand grabs my wrist and pulls me out of the room.

"You're getting out of hand. First you fall asleep in the hallway like a drunken fuck and now you're in there. Do you want me to pity you?"

I blink when I get used to the light. I peek at his face. He looks awake, Alert, Like he's ready for something to happen at any moment. He yanks on my arm when I start dragging my feet. I lean into him and his arm on my hand jerks me away from him. I stumble and Finally stop trying to tell him what's going on with me with body motions.

I'll just tell him with words.

"I think I'm dying."

He looks over at me for a hot second, his eyes dilating. Then He bursts into laughter like a crazed maniac.

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