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I awoke to find myself laying in a puddle of something wet and warmish. I blink and then slowly sit up, The substance all over my legs.

Please tell me I didn't piss myself. But then The thing I was least thinking about fills my vision. Blood. Shit, shit, shit, shit!

Not now!

I wasn't even thinking about that and I don't have time to be cleaning this shit up. Thank you so much for your consideration mother nature. How the hell am I supposed to...ugh. I slip off the mattress and look down at my legs, which are covered in the disgusting red Liquid. Damn it. Luck just isn't on my side these days.

I grab the sheets and bundle them up in a huge ball, The put them on the floor, next to the bed. All the while, I can feel the warm liquid oozing out and on my thighs. I cross my legs tightly to prevent some of it from at least falling on the floor. God..How disgusted is he going to be about this..

I sit cross-legged on the floor and I concentrate on not letting any of this cursed Substance out.I wait for What seems like days until finally the familiar click erupts from the door and it opens just like that revealing a Tired-looking Kidnapper.

He rubs his eyes then, Keeping his hand on the doorknob looks at the bed, then raises an eyebrow and looks over to me and the covers. OH boy, Is he going to love the masterpiece I made. I feel like a damn toddler, Trying to hide my mess.

"Why are the covers on the floor? "He sighs, ready for a surprise.

"You see, it's called a girls thing and don't get all mad at me because You're the one who kidnapped me and you should have prepared for this. So Yeah, think before you go out grabbing innocent girls in the night. " I blurt without thinking. I didn't even notice how scared of him I was until I finished my Blabbering.

He starts looking irritated as He pinches the bridge of his nose and Grumbles, "What the fuck did you do?"

I swallow the lump in my throat and I say, "I've had my period." I quickly bite my lip after that and Look around the room, pretending to be interested in the whitish-grey walls.

I hear him sigh then Grumble a "Fuck."

I find myself rolling my eyes. He seriously should have known though. God, Guys think were so easy to take care of, But then boom!

We Get hungry 24\7, We have periods, We have breakdowns, we get depressed, we get cramps and a whole other crap load of things to Watch out for.

"So, what? You need like those things and what some more sheets and clothes?" He says looking irritated as hell.

I snort and nod, Not wanting to talk about this kinda stuff with a guy.

He Nods at me and then looks over to the wall and says, "Come on,"

I sit, confused for a second, But Follow him anyway.

He walks down a hall and Then we pass the staircase. While he continues walking I stop, In the doorway to the staircase. I'm standing there Staring at it longingly, When all of a sudden a voice barks "What're you gonna do? Run for it? Go ahead, I'll give you a five second head start."

I whip my head over to him so fast I Stumble back, then gain my balance back before Hearing what he just said.

Do I want to do it?

He's not going to let me go though....something's wrong with his offer. I don't like it..I don't like the way he said it, Or the way he's grinning at me from Down the hall.

Without wanting to, I start shaking and I feel sweat beads Forming On my upper lip.I wipe my face and then Choose not to risk my life.

I slowly advance towards him to see he has this cocky smirk on his face. I just want to smack it off of him. I could have escaped if I wanted to. But I didn't and that's why He's smirking.

I stare forward grudgingly as He leads me to the entrance of a door.

I wait there as He walks in and searches for whatever he's looking for. I wait and then he comes out, holding the thing I'd least expect him to have in his hand. I stare at him in astonishment as I grab it.

He has tampons?

God. I need to stop doubting his abilities so much. Who would have thought..Ew.

Then I stop thinking how crazy it is and I start thinking how weird it is. Why the hell?
Forget it. I don't even want to know. I guess he's more prepared then I gave him credit for. But still...

He leads me to the same bathroom from before and Then He sets down some clothes on the toilet that I hadn't seen him with until now.

He backs out of the bathroom Shutting the door,But not after locking the door. I then Sigh and Strip of my bloodied clothes and Toss them on the floor. I turn on the shower and get it, Quickly washing my body and hair, all while watching the blood swirl down the drain. After I'm completely clean, I step out and at a quick speed, dry off and put my tampon in. I then put on the white panties and nude colored tank top along with the matching shorts.

I Comb my hair through with my fingers again and Turn to the door, like before.

"I'm Done." I Say and then just like that, the door opens and I step out with him. This time He starts talking, but I have no idea what he's saying because I'm not listening. Something about earlier. I really don't know.

Then we Reach the door and I hear him say, "My names Leon."

He opens the door and I turn to him, then give him a fake smile and say, "You see, This is the part where I'd say, I'm Emma. But you already know that because You're a fucking stalker, So good-bye!"

Then I shut the door in his face and march over to my already made bed. See how he likes that.

I hope it hit him in his Fucking nose ! And I hope he's bleeding. Yet, It won't be anything compared to the pain I've been through. But at least it's something.

But after a minute I doubt it hit him anywhere on his face, because he would have done came in and Beat the living shit out of me.

I then grab my pillow and hug it close to my body, Closing my eyes and dreaming of home. Dreaming of places I'd go and see, Dreaming of seeing my family again, Dreaming of seeing my best friend again, Dreaming of being away from this place, Dreaming of My own little bubble where no one could harm me..

..Dreaming of freedom and peace..

Just Dreaming.

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